Feature Film “Texas Rein” holding auditions in the Southeast for Principal Roles

By | March 29, 2014

The feature film “Texas Rein” is in holding auditions in Virginia for actors to fill 6 adult principal roles and 2 child supporting roles.

This is a low budget, non-union production however actors chosen will be paid. The film will be shot in Virginia and is based on the novel of the same name written by Rebecca Rodgers Nelson.

Arvold casting, the same folks that cast AMC’s TURN are the projects casting directors. The film will begin production in May or June of this year and is produced by Beautiful feet productions.

Texas Rein, is a faith-based family drama  about returning home and the power of family.

Here is the story, from the book

If men were horses, Cassie Roberts would say she’s been bucked off and trampled once too often. Now she wants only to raise her son, Samuel, and fly high on the East Coast social scene. When her father calls from the Texas family ranch in need of help, Cassie can’t think of a worse fate than returning to sleepy Summerville. Then her father clues her into his bucket-list dream – namely to turn his prize foal into the first Olympic champion Reining horse. As if that weren’t crazy enough, he enlists the help of a hottie local cowboy who looks enough like George Strait to make Cassie’s heart quiver. The last thing she wants is a hometown hook-up, but Chase Eversoll could be their ticket to the Olympics. Willing or not, Cassie’s in for another wild ride … just once could she finish on top?

Texas Reign holding casting call in VA

Here is the casting notice:

Seeking regional actors to play principal roles in the feature film Texas Rein.

Please see below for submission instructions.

CHASE EVERSOLL: Caucasian, Male, 30’s. All-American cowboy. Gentle and humorous with strong work ethic. He believes he’s found a champion in Marvin Roberts’ prize horse, but his desire to train the champion competes with his growing interest in Marvin’s daughter, Cassie. Western horseback riding/reining experience a plus. LEAD

MARVIN ROBERTS: Caucasian, Male, Mid-Late 60’s. Gentleman rancher. Strong, wise, and faithful husband and father, despite the fact his dreams concerning horses and his daughter have never materialized. Has a difficult but loving relationship with his daughter, Cassie. (Western horseback riding/reining experience a plus). SUPPORTING

PEGGY ROBERTS: Caucasian, Female, 60’s. Southern, steadfast rancher’s wife. After Marvin’s surgery, she makes it her job to keep her husband healthy. Loves her daughter Cassie, but sometimes can’t contain her disappointment in Cassie’s life choices. SUPPORTING

AUNT CLARA: Caucasian, Female, 60’s. Chase’s aunt, old friend of the Roberts’ family. Quirky, but genuine. Kind hearted and quick with a word of scripture (if not always the perfect selection), she’s wise and becomes Cassie’s friend and moral compass. SUPPORTING

JEFF DEAVERS: Caucasian, Male, 30’s. Guy’s son, newly graduated veterinarian and childhood friend of Cassie’s. Good looking in an ordinary, guy-next-door kind of way. He’d like the relationship to go further than “just friends,” with Cassie, but knows it probably won’t. SUPPORTING

GARRISON: Caucasian, Male, Early 30’s, Cassie’s east coast love interest. Wealthy, expensively handsome. A true “player” – Cassie is more of an accessory than a girlfriend. He wants her even more when he thinks he can’t have her. 2 SCENE CAMEO

The film will also be holding auditions for kids for the following roles:

Sam Roberts (supporting) – 8-10 year old all-American boy. Cute as a bug. Dreams of being a cowboy and loves all things Texas. Horses are in his blood, and he’s thrilled when his mother, Cassie, finally takes him home to the Texas family ranch. He’s the brightest spot in Cassie’s life.

Leila Wright (supporting) – Adorable, smart, “older than her years” girl, around 6-8. Shawna’s niece, helps out a lot at Chase’s barn, loves animals. Becomes fast friends with Sam.

The auditions for kids will be on April 5th in VA


Durrell Nelson is executive producing the project that is written by Rebecca Rogers Nelson

The project will film from May to June 2014
The film will shoot in the  Staunton, VA area.
Actors chosen will be paid $115 per day (+10% if agent)

Travel: Mileage and/or lodging provided if applicable

Audition Dates: April 2nd – April 24th in Charlottesville, VA or via self-tape

Kids – April 5th – Kids please follow the instruction on this page to get an audition slot. Adults need to see the submission link below.

Callbacks: Saturday, April 26th in Charlottesville, VA

For more information on the project and instructions for actors who are submitting for the roles please visit the casting directors webpage here.

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