KFC Commercial Casting Latino Talent in Miami, kids, teens, adults & seniors – Pays $2000

By | August 20, 2014

A KFC TV Commercial will be filming in the Miami area.

Miami Talent is looking to cast various roles which include kids 8 to 10, teens and young adults 14 to 25, adults 25 to 35 and older adults 50 to 70 in the Miami, Florida area. There is a total of 8 roles to be filled and those applying will have to eat chicken on camera. Auditions will be held in the Miami area tomorrow through Saturday and the spot will film shortly on the 29th of this month. They are only looking for Hispanic talent but many of the roles are non-speaking and Spanish may not be required.

This is a paid gig. Those cast will be paid $500 to $2000 for the shoot depending on the role. Please note that you should be local to the area to submit because travel expenses are not covered.

Miami – KFC Hispanic Commercial
Shoots Aug 29, many are non speaking roles, no spanish language skills needed.
Casting will be in person Thursday August 21,
Friday August 22 with the possibility of Saturday August 23.
8 role are being booked…must look hispanic and pan latino. will be eating chicken
on camera so make sure you have no allergies or conflicts when submitting

-Women (25-35)
-Older age man (55-70)
-Men (28-35)
-Young Females(14-17)
-Young Males (17-25)
-Children boys and girls (8-10)
The rates are $500-$2000

Please submit to miamitalentcasting@gmail.com

Casting KFC Commercial in MIami

One thought on “KFC Commercial Casting Latino Talent in Miami, kids, teens, adults & seniors – Pays $2000

  1. Shivana Codling

    I am 15 and an actress. I would love to be considered for jobs! Thanks.
    -Shivana Codling


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