Miami Music Video looking for Models and Extras

By | February 13, 2014

A music video filming in Miami this weekend has released a Rush Call for a few roles they are looking to fill.

The casting directors at Miami Talent Casting are seeking fashion models who have comp cards and head shots as well as upscale looking caucasian men in their 40’s.

These are paying roles however travel will not be paid and any talent applying will need to come to a in person audition in Miami.

Miami – Males – ages 20-35, regular great looking guys, and High Fashion Models for Music Video…all ethnicities, need comp cards and headshots asap, shoots this weekend, will update date and pay later.

Caucasian Males, age 40-50, suit and tie, upscale looking.
good actor, will have a few lines. will cast today at 3pm, and booked on site, from there will go to set and work for 2 hours only. Pay rate $150 flat, need pic and contact if not on file asap!

Miami music video

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