NBC “Chicago Fire” Extras

By | April 14, 2014

NBC’s “Chicago Fire is seeking extras to work in the city of Chicago this week.

The series is specifically looking for firefighters and EMT’s who can work on the 17th and elderly African American ladies and some tough looking men who would be available on the 23rd.

The show follows the fictional Chicago firehouse 51 and the firefighters who work there.

Casting Alert! Searching for firefighters, police and real EMT to work both April 17th, (night shoot), and April 22nd (day shoot). We would love to have you for both shoots! Send photograph to firewire014@gmail.com and put “Both shoots” in the subject line. Include your height, weight, age, and phone number.

Casting Alert! Searching for African American women ages 70’s, to work on April 23rd, also searching for large tough looking men, ages 40’s/50’s to work on April 23rd. If you can work send your photograph to firewire014@gmail.com and put in the subject line “4.23 AA” Include your height, weight, age, and phone number.

extras Chicago fire

One thought on “NBC “Chicago Fire” Extras

  1. Rico Ray

    I would like to be an extra or have a role in any series you all have, available anytime.


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