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Reality TV show: I want my ex back! Nationwide

By | January 15, 2014

A Television show on a major cable network is casting people nationwide who just can’t seem to get over their ex and want their ex back!

Did you finally realize you may have made a mistake and your ex may have been the love of your life? A new show may be able to help you try to get your ex back, let you confess your true love on TV and even try for a marriage proposal on TV in a very unforgettable way.

So… are you still madly in love with your ex? Read on for information about how to apply to be on the show.

Now Casting! Are you still in love with your ex? Are you trying to get your ex back? If so a TV show wants to hear from you! Submit your information today for a chance to get back the love of your life

A powerhouse, award-winning, Reality Production Company is teaming up with a MAJOR Cable Network to make a Brand New series featuring single people who have NOT gotten over their EX after their relationship has ended. She or He is so eager to get their EX back that they are going to Propose Marriage!

Major Cable Network Casting Nationwide!! Do you want your Ex Back?! If so apply to getbackcasting@gmail.com.

Make sure that you include all the following information with your submission:
1. Your Name
2. Location
3. Cell Phone Number and Email Address
4. Recent Photo
5. Brief paragraph explaining why you are right for this show

casting notice reality series

One thought on “Reality TV show: I want my ex back! Nationwide

  1. jamie

    I might be crazy for this but maybe you can help me. I’ve been dating a girl for almost 3 years one and off but definitely more on. We try and work out or differences. We spend days together but then something happens and we don’t see each other for days or weeks. I know its because she doesn’t believe I love her but I really do. I cant say I’ve been perfect. neither of us have but we agreed to truly try. Idk my friends might think I’m crazy and you might too basically Saturday I went out with friends when I should have been working on things with her like we agreed. We are back off now and this one feels, like really real. She wont respond to me. She said some angry things and truly seems done but valentines/her birthday is coming up and I just want to try one last grand gesture to show her she is the one I want to be with. I don’t want to miss those moments with her or any moments for that matter. All I want is a happy and successful life with her forever and I know she does too. I want her to know I will tell the world she’s the one I want. I had a vacation planned for us on spring break. Can you help me try and rekindle this love and have her back for valentines or find if I truly need to move on.


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