Star Wars 2015 – Charity Casting Call

By | May 23, 2014

Get in Star Wars 7!

Star Wars Fans have an opportunity to win their way into the movie, yes win, not audition.

In a galaxy far, far away… there is but one more chance to get a role in Star Wars. JJ Abrams is hoping fans step up to the plate on this one with the with the Star Wars: Force For Change charity initiative. The director has partnered with Unicef to raise awareness and some money for the cause. They are requesting fans donate a bit if cash for a chance to win a walk on role. Each donation will be entered in a sweepstakes and donations can be as little as $10.

One winner and a guest will be flown to London, where the majority of the film will be shot, and will get a chance to meet the cast and get a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the film. The winner will also get to be an alien Star Wars character in the film.

JJ Abrams is now in the UK working on the film. when asked about the project he commented that the experience was “surreal…to be here in this amazing place with these incredible people, working on this film.” Ge also went on to say “We’re thrilled to offer a chance to come behind the scenes as our VIP guests and be in Star Wars: Episode VII.
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Star Wars charity casting call

Here is a list of prizes the winner will receive

The Star Wars: Force for Change Grand Prize includes:
• Airfare and accommodations to London for one winner and a guest
• Behind-the-scenes access on the closed set of Star Wars: Episode VII as VIP guests of J.J. Abrams
• Winner will have the opportunity to meet members of the cast
• Winner and their guest will then be transformed by makeup and costume teams into a Star Wars character and filmed for a scene in Star Wars: Episode VII
The Disney company has already committed $1 million to the Unicef cause and it is up fans now to raise a bit more. Those interested in a chance at a role on Star Wars can visit the website setup for the project.

JJ Abrams made a video from his Star Wars set to get the word out…

In a special video message from the set of Star Wars: Episode VII, director J.J. Abrams announces the creation of Star Wars: Force for Change, a brand new Star Wars initiative from Disney and Lucasfilm, in collaboration with Bad Robot, dedicated to finding creative solutions to some of the world’s biggest problems.

The first Star Wars: Force for Change campaign will raise funds and awareness for UNICEF’s Innovation Labs and its innovative projects benefiting children in need.

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