United Airlines Print Ad Shooting in San Francisco Casting Japanese Talent

By | August 13, 2014

United Airlines promo is in need of Japanese actors 28 to 45 in the SF Bay area.

Beau Bonneau is casting ASAP for the spot that will shoot on the 19th and 20th of the month.

The casting company is looking for Japanese locals, between the ages of 28 and 45, who are available to work up to 10 hours on the listed days in the Bay Area. Those cast for the United Airlines promo will be paid $250 for the day.

Please only apply if you completely fit the specifications and live around the San Francisco area.

United Airlines Print Ad
Seeking Bay Area Japanese men and women 28-45.

We are immediately seeking SF Bay Area Japanese men and women 28-45 years old for background work in a United Airlines print ad. Must be avail for shoot both 8/19 and 8/20. Will work one day only (up to 10 hours in the SF Bay Area), however shoot date has not been determined. If selected for shoot you will be paid $250 for one day of work.

To be considered, email the following to beaubonneaucasting@gmail.com ASAP:
* Subject line: United Airlines, First & Last Name
* Age range
* Cell Phone #
* Height, Weight, Clothing Sizes
* Attach 2 new digital photos. 1 shoulders up looking to camera and 1 standing view (no hats or sunglasses)

Beau Bonneau Casting staff will contact you if chosen for the job. Thank you.

UNited Airlines commercial casting call in San Francisco

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