Video Game print ad in Los Angeles – Pays $750

By | January 7, 2014

Paid Models needed for a print ad – Modeling Job (non-union)

A video game company is looking for 6 ladies that fit very specific looks for a video game ad that will be shot in Los Angeles. They are seeking 18 to 23 year old females that resemble Taylor Swift, Vanessa Hudgens, Yolanthe Cabue, Karlie Kloss and Irina Shyke Emma Stone. You can see the full casting breakdown below.

So if you live in Los Angeles and look like one of the ladies mentioned above, this may be a great way to make some good cash. Auditions are coming up on Friday so if you are interested, you better apply ASAP.

The ad will shoot in L.A. and casting directors are only looking for people who live in Los Angeles because travel expenses will not be paid.

CASTING: NON UNION PRINT JOB for MAJOR video game franchise. Shoots Los Angeles on or around between January 24th. You MUST live in Los Angeles to work this. Auditions will be held this Friday, January 10th for selected talent.

Taylor Swift Type: AGE: 18-23. HEIGHT: Between 5’4 – 5’10
Tall, thin and fit, beautiful romantic looking blond.

Vanessa Hudgens Type: AGE: 18-23. HEIGHT: Between 5’4 – 5’10
Dark eyes and hair, heart shaped face, petite (but not under 5’4), trim, cute.

Emma Stone Type: AGE: 18-23. HEIGHT: Between 5’4 – 5’10
Red hair or blond, sassy, free-spirit, very pretty.

Karlie Kloss Type: AGE: 18-23. HEIGHT: Between 5’4 – 5’10
Fit, tall, modelesque, elfin features.

Yolanthe Cabau Type: AGE: 18-23. HEIGHT: Between 5’4 – 5’10
Dark wavy or curly hair, dark eyes, Spanish or Italian or vaguely ethnic, sexy.

Irina Shayk Type: AGE: 18-23. HEIGHT: Between 5’4 – 5’10
Full lips, blondish hair, wide apart eyes, Eastern European looking.

Rate is $750 per day. The game will be released worldwide via a well known publisher.

PLEASE email a current headshot & resume, along with your height, the role for which you are submitting to: Subject line should read:

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