Warner Bros Movie “The Intern” Auditions for a Child Lead Nationwide

By | March 12, 2014

The new Robert De Niro / Anne Hathaway feature Film, “The Intern” is casting a child lead to play the role of Paige.

Warner Bros Pictures is now holding online auditions for 4 to 6 year old girls to star in a lead role in a Warner Bros movie. The movie is directed by Nancy Meyers.

The Intern” is accepting self submission videos from those wanting to try out for a chance to be cast in this great project.

The film is about an owner of a fashion company hiring an elderly intern. While the two clash in the beginning they later create a bond as the intern turns into a mentor for the younger business owner.

About the Role of “Paige”

A female child who is 4 to 6 years old. The child actor will play the role of a  4 year old, smart, adorable and funny little girl.

Paige is the daughter of Jules and Matt. She’s an engaging pre-schooler with quite a bit of confidence and personality.

She is clearly a happy and well-adjusted little girl who’s comfortable with either of her parents, or being taken to a party by her mom’s assistant, Ben…

  • Child needs to be between the ages of 4 and 6 years old
  • When making your self tape, please use an American accent
  • Type PC-CRH
  • Deadline: March 15, midnight PST
  • Location: New York

The Warner Bros feature is written by Nancy Meyers who also worked on “The Parent Trap” and “It’s Complicated”.  Meyers will also produce the project. Currently reports state that “The Intern” will have a  35 million dollar budget. The movie is a comedy  Reese Witherspoon  was originally in talks to be a part of the project but seems to have later backed out and ibys now replaced  Anne Hathaway. Casting for the rest of the roles in the movie is now underway and it will begin production later this year. It is scheduled to be released in theaters in 2015.

New Warner Bros Film casting child lead role

About the Role of “Paige”

Wanted, girls 4 to 6 to play 4 year old, smart, adorable and funny little girl.

Paige is the daughter of Jules and Matt. She’s an engaging pre-schooler with quite a bit of confidence and personality. She is clearly a happy and well-adjusted little girl who’s comfortable with either of her parents, or being taken to a party by her mom’s assistant, Ben…

Producer is committed to diverse, inclusive casting. Submissions for non-descript roles will be accepted for all performers, regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, or disability, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity.

If you have a child that fits the specs you can apply online by creating and uploading a video.

Want to apply for the film? Here you go.

Remember, you only have until  the 15th to apply for this project.


3 thoughts on “Warner Bros Movie “The Intern” Auditions for a Child Lead Nationwide

  1. danielle

    how can I submit my daughter? she is 5 yrs old.

  2. kathleen Thomas

    My daughter would be great for the part, cute and funny.


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