Atlanta Plastic Casting Call Nationwide

By | September 25, 2015

Plastic Surgery TV Show “Atlanta Plastic” now casting people who want plastic surgery.

Location: Nationwide

Type: Reality TV

CASTING CALL: Want or need plastic surgery, but couldn’t afford it? Now is your chance!

Casting producers are searching nationwide for candidates to appear on Lifetimes hit show “Atlanta Plastic“.  Have you always wanted plastic surgery, but couldn’t afford it? Have you dreamt of changing your appearance but didn’t know where to turn? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to document your transformation while working with the top plastic surgeons in the industry.

Email a bio, photos, and description of why you desire to be on Atlanta Plastic to:

Payment: Other

City or Location of call: Nationwide
Please submit to:

This casting notice was posted by: Lauren

Atlanta Plastic Casting Flyer

Atlanta Plastic


71 thoughts on “Atlanta Plastic Casting Call Nationwide

  1. Yolanda dunn

    How could I become a candidate, I love this show. It gives women so much more confidence. I too have self esteem problems, would like to be totally comfortable in my own skin.Please contact me if y’all would like to donate a few surgeries.

  2. Latoya young

    I need your all help. I had some work done and now my body needs to to be reconstructed. Please give me a call 706 351-2833. God bless you all.

  3. Yalonda Patterson

    Hello, My name is Yalonda, and I’m a tall at 5’10”, 47 married mother of two from a previous marriage. I don’t even know if I’d be considered for this opportunity as I was once pretty athletic, and had a pretty fit lifestyle; However, after college, kids, and a failed marriage, I just couldn’t seem to get back on track, and bad eating habits kicked in. I gained over 30 lbs! I was determined to get my body back..but then a 20 year…yes 20! Get fit quick phase, and gimmicky diets took over…from urgent care diet pill visits, liquid diets, fat zapping belts to castor oil cleanses, and every crazy apparatus I could afford. I’ve spent so much time and money to only go up and down in my weight all these years…smh. I finally learned how to get it off and keep it off the right way…Good ol exercise and a healthy diet…but with not 1, but 2 emergency cesareans, a cancer scare biopsy an umbilical hernia repair and hysterectomy, I’ve been sliced and diced above and below the belt 5 times! I work out 5 days a week, and eat healthy 95% of the time but can’t get rid of all the skin in my lower abdomen that still makes me feel trapped in my own body. I’ve worked hard to lose the weight and tone it up. I’ve wanted a tummy tuck for over 18 years, but refused to do it until I got to this point without gimmicks, and starvation. I watch Atlanta Plastic to educate myself and to hopefully one day see someone with my body type get the surgery that changes their life, so I can get a glimpse of my own potential life Changing surgery. I’ll be emailing before and after pics tomorrow as well as taking a couple of new ones of my tummy which I avoid in pics and cover up at all costs..Ewwww, this will be a 1st????.Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my bio.

  4. mareatha moore

    Hi my name is Mareatha – I have some issues with my body, in 1994 I was stabbed in the chest 4 times with a screw driver, emergency surgery and 43 staples later I have a horrible scar down my stomach and a pouch that wont go away. As the years went on I gained weight, lost it and gained again. All my life I had a nice body and when these happened I lost my confidence. No matter how much I do I cannot loose my stomach. I am 50 years old and I have never been married. These last 4 years have been horrible for me on 1-2-2012 I lost my 64 year old mother- unexpected, 16 months later my 28 year old son was murdered, a married man with 3 kids- then 16 months later I lost my dad from cancer we never knew he had, it had been dormant for years. Right before my son died I purchased the beauty salon i worked at for 16 years – I buried myself in work, I don’t know to this day how i have survived all this – what the devil tried to break me down with has made me stronger. I have always taken care of everyone else and I would like to have lipo and a tummy tuck. My life has always been an emotional roller coaster up and down, for years off and on I dabbled in alcohol and drugs but through all that I went through. I always knew I would be okay one day — and I am . My beginning – my middle and my end gone just 16 months of one another and i made it, please help me to get the physical appearance to match my new lease on life! — the next chapter! I know with this attitude and new lease on life all I need is the body to match. I would be so happy.

  5. Quesadra Goodrum

    I had a gastric bypass surgery. I am a 35 year old married mother of two children with disabilities. My husband is a veteran. I previously was in a wheelchair for a year and then a walker most of my life I suffer from some disabilities myself. At my heaviest I was 545. I have gotten down to 296. Most of my weight is excess skin but my medical will not pay for removal. I have a hernia behind my navel that my stomach weight is pulling on but Medicaid says it’s not severe enough for them to pay for repair. I would love to revamp my body to give myself a well deserved new lease on life but cannot afford the cost out of pocket. Please help me.

  6. Janice Davis

    Hello, my name is Janice. I have been wanting plastic surgery for over 16 years, but never could have afford it. I am 53 years old. I have 3 beautiful daughters that have nice shape. I have not dated in 15 years because of what my body looks like. I’m very self conscious about it. I have about 30 lbs or more stomach that’s needs to be removed and I have 2 sets of breasts that put a bad rash on my stomach. I have a hard time finding a bra to fit me. So please please help me to feel good about myself once again.

  7. Debra

    Hello, I am 48 years old and have 2 girls, one is grown, the other is in middle school. I would love to have a tummy tuck and breast lift. I do not plan and having anymore children and would like to have my pre-pregnant body back. I exercise 3 times and week; however the more weight I lose, the more the skin sags around my tummy. As a bonus I would like to have butt injections so that my teenage daughter will stop calling me “mom bob square butt”. Please consider me for the show before my boobs hit the floor!!! Thank you!

  8. brenda wells

    I’m Brenda Wells, I’m 45 years of age and I reside in New Jersey. I’m in dire need of surgery. I had a Gastric Bypass Surgery in 2008 and been suffering from the aftermath of lose and sagging skin in numerous places. I want so badly to have a normal looking body. I don’t want anything to extravagant just a normal looking body. Thanks for taking time to read my email.

  9. Charlene Reid

    I just turned fifty and I look forty but my body says fifty. My confidence is really down. I don’t even like to look in the mirror, please help my regain my confidence back, thank you in advance.

  10. Mtisa

    I’m a 34 yrs old, a married woman with four kids. I’m very unhappy with my body. I have a big stomach with NO BUTT AT ALL. My husband tells me he loves me the way I am just to keep my spirit lifted because he knows I’m not happy with with myself…. Ive tried every diet in the world and nothing is working for me. I’M ALWAYS DEPRESSED AND TAKING MY FRUSTRATION OUT ON MY KIDS. I NEED HELP BAD, PLEASE PICK ME AS ONE OF THE CAST MEMBERS THIS WOULD REALLY LIFT MY SPIRIT.

  11. Tiffany taylor

    Hi I was told by my doctor I can never loose weight because of the csection I had. I want to wear nice clothes but I can’t because of my stomach. I get discouraged sometimes and stay and the house. Please help me

  12. Carliss Dobbins

    Please help I want to be on a reality show.

  13. Meka

    Like everyone one this page I am in need of this opportunity. In my 33 yrs I have put everyone else in my life first. Had hysterectomy at thirty, no children so no children in my future. Over the past few years I have had to give up a lot and I just want to feel beautiful again. I am thankful for God and all he has allowed me to do for others and I was told that one day I would get my blessing and hopefully this will be it. Just to look in the mirror again and see myself would be an awesome blessing. Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.

  14. Kizzy

    Hello my name is Kizzy. I am a mother of 3 children. It would be a life changing experience to have surgery to boost my confidence. I’ve been insecure about my stomach area since I had my first son who is 11. My confidence will change for the better if I am blessed with this opportunity to have a tummy tuck and bbl. Thank you

  15. Deshawn Obryant

    Good evening may this message find you in good health. My name is Deshawn Obryant and I’m in desperate need of a tummy tuck. I’m working all my life, pay check by paycheck and have never once in my life did nothing for myself to make me feel good. I’m just praying God and You can answer my prayers and give me an opportunity of a lifetime. I never hear of stories of people of poverty giving a chance that’s starting-or making a living and just wanna be perfect as well, please don’t fail me now.

  16. syvette isom-brown

    I would like to have a tummy tuck because I have a large pouch hanging and I cannot see my feet. I would like butt augmentation fat transfer from my stomach and possibly breast augmentation or lift. I have let myself go over the years taking care of my grandmother who turns 94 years old on Tuesday. I am truly blessed to have my mother and self. I will like to feel and look like a women with and without clothes, please help.

  17. Tammey

    I, Tammey, would love have a tummy tuck and a boob lift. As years past, I let my body and stomach got out of control for the past 19 years of taking care of my mother. I do it mainly by myself but still thankful to have my mom with me who suffered several strokes. Now I need help in finding my self again. Thank you.

  18. Tamika Davis

    Please help me, I can not afford this. my body is a mess. I don’t care how much exercise I do, it does not help, please help me if you can please.

  19. Tamika Davis

    Can you guys please help me with plastic surgery. I feel so self-conscious about my body the way it looks. I would not take my clothes off in front of my fiance. Please please please help me. I cannot afford this surgery. Please do whatever you can to help me. thank you.

  20. Kimberly Ellis

    I really want to get a tummy tuck and a brazilion butt lift and implants. I lost 138 lbs and I just want to feel proud in my skin thats all.

  21. Tanya Orange

    Would love to be a considered for the show. I watch Atlanta Plastics all the time. Even if I’m not chosen, I would like to travel from NYC to use the doctors and have some procedures done.

  22. RaDreka Jackson

    Please choose me. I would love to have my big arms cut in half, their weighing me down, I lost a lot of weight and its just extra fat hanging. My stomach is flabby and I can’t get rid of the back fat. I got bullied as a teenager and I did something horrible to my face that I would love to have fixed, please fix me!

  23. Valeria Braswell

    All my life i have never been able to look down and see my feet. Even after gastric by pass… much skin has been left hanging over… I even feel it has taken a toll on my self esteem and marriage.
    I would give anything to have a proportioned body.
    I never even knew they could take the fat from my stomach and give me a butt I’ve NEVER had.
    please Dr. Crawford…so much of my life has been spent giving, being a caregiver to my mother with Alzheimers. Can I please just look in the mirror and be happy with me.

  24. Ofelia Franc

    I just moved to Atlanta and have always thought about having work done but I wanted to finish having kids. Now, I’m in the gym everyday and have lost so far 30lbs. My goal is to continue doing it but there is extra skin that will just not go away. I am only 37 years old and I want to know what it feels like to be confident in a swimming suit. The sad part is that people always say, what a beautiful face if only you can loose a few lbs. I’ve never considered putting my self 1st and surgery has never been a priority because I could always use the money for someone else.

  25. Lanise

    I recently wrote you an email about my desire to change my body. Please consider so that I can feel comfortable sleeping naked, walking on the beach and just enjoying life a little better with less clothes! Thank you!

  26. Rachael Chavis

    Hi I’m currently living in Atlanta Georgia and to be honest plastic surgery has been my biggest wish on my butt to make it a lil’ round and bigger. But unfortunately I can’t afford it so that wish is out the window. Hopefully, I have a chance to be a member on the show to have my dream come true. Thanks!

  27. RONDA

    I would love to be on the show. I am 51, mother of 2 grown sons. I already sent a E-Mail and pictures of my self. I hope I am one of the lucky ones that get picked.

  28. April diaz

    I would love to be one of your candidates for surgery. I am a mother of two teenagers, recently had the gastric sleeve done for health issues.

  29. Corian Paige

    I want to take my life back from its prisoner… My body’s appearance. I can’t wait to flaunt the new me at my wedding! I need this life changing transformation like yesterday.




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