Auditions for Disney – Disney Talent Search Ages 9 to 16 in San Francisco

By | June 25, 2015

Disney auditions for kids

There is a Disney talent search going on in the San Francisco area. The talent search is to fill roles in an upcoming Disney project.

Nina Henninger, CSA will be holding auditions in the Bay area for kids, boys and girls 9 to 16 years of age for a Disney project. Parents interested in submitting their kids for consideration may email a photo of their child along with contact information. Those selected from the initial submissions will then be contacted for auditions. Nina Henninger has cast dozens of shows and movies including “True Grit”,  “Fresh off the Boat” and “The Jungle Book”.

We are doing a search for Disney. We are looking for boys and girls 9 to 16 years old. If you are interested in auditioning please email a picture and all your information to our email (project now closed). We will contact you if you are right for the roles. Thanks, Nina

Walt Disney Pictures Studio

25 thoughts on “Auditions for Disney – Disney Talent Search Ages 9 to 16 in San Francisco

  1. Leon Royle

    Hello I’m Leon Royle. I’m 10 years old and 4″9. I’m a good dancer, it matters what kind of dance. I have a good voice for singing. I’m kind and generous. I have light brown hair. I’m a boy my eyes change color so I never know what color they are. I’m strong and athletic and pretty fast too. I’m patient, also I love acting. I play recorder clarinet, I can do a flip and that’s pretty much it, bye!

  2. Angie Silva

    Hello! My name is Angelina Rebelez but I prefer to be called “Angie Silva”. I am auditioning for this because I felt I needed to put myself out into the world more. I have a sweet personality and a very like-able person in my opinion. I am an average height ( maybe 5″4 or 5″5) I am 15 years of age and would be honored to be apart of this.

  3. destiny artis

    And, I can sing, I have a women’s voice in a girl’s body.

  4. destiny artis

    I am 12 going on 13. I can sing, I can act and I can dance a little. I’m have brown skin and I have brownish eyes. I would love for you guys to pick me.

  5. Marina Woodward

    Hi name is Marina. I am 5’7, I have brown hair and light brown eyes. I would love to act. I don’t mind if its on camera or off camera. I love to sing and I also play the piano.


    My daughter is 9 years old and she loves singing and dancing. She was in Mulan play this year and Beauty and the Beast for CMT. She wants to audition for Disney. How can we find out about upcoming audition close to us?

    1. erica Post author

      Disney holds a general open casting call / open audition one time per year. Last year they accepted online auditions from all over the country. Previous years, they went to a certain city only. The next open call will be held in the summer of 2016. Other than that, you will need a talent agent, probably in Los Angeles, for the Disney Channel. Commercials and promos for Disney, as well as theater productions do sometimes hold auditions and every now and then, they do talent searches for movie roles. You just have to keep an eye out for them.

  7. Priscilla Nuno

    Hi my name is Priscilla and I’m 13 years old and acting has always been my dream to do. I love playing different roles and just acting things out. I’m Mexican but I look white I have blond hair and dark brown eyes. I’m 5’1 tall and I’m slim I weigh 89 pounds and I don’t try to impress people I just do it by my heart and what my heart tells me to do which is to act, be a nice kind fun and entertaining person who never gives up and always try her best like what I’m doing right now and to always follow my dreams.

  8. David

    Hi my name is David and I am 15 years old. I love acting, I’ve been acting for seven years and I always heard people say its their dream to be acting. I believe that because we come from different parts of world there is more out there and if given a chance, I could prove that because if I were given a chance to come over seas, I could make a huge difference. I believe that any thing is possible with a little of help. I don’t come from a rich family and am from south Africa. I hope that I could make it and inspire a lot of children of all ages. I don’t want any one to have any sorry feelings, just like the US president said when he came to Kenya, that’s what inspired me to reach out and hope I am one of the people to be on the short list because I know I have a better chance and because I am from south Africa. I don’t want any treatment.

  9. Luis Ramos

    Hi! I’m Luis, I’m a 16 year old Hispanic boy. I am 5’7 with brown eyes and brown hair and I am really interested in the industry of acting. I have some acting experience. I was involved in a school play for “Romeo and Juliet”. My dream is to become a professional actor and I really want to peruse my dream of being on Disney Channel.

  10. Jacob greer

    I am 13 years old and I have experience from being in 2 commercials. I can do a British accent and I love love love Disney, Not camera shy at all!

  11. Christian Hemon

    I’m Christian, I have dark brown hair and brown eyes. I love Disney!

  12. jordan neeley

    I am 12 soon to be 13. I live in Sacramento ca. I am mixed with white and black. I want to act and show people that I can do it. I have Brown eyes and Brown hair. I hope that you can consider me.

  13. Maansi Bhanot

    Hi, I’m a 15 year old Indian girl lving in the Bay Area. I’m 5 feet tall, slim, with long black hair, tan skin, and brown eyes. You must hear this a lot, but I’ve never acted professionally, although I’ve had people tell me to consider it. I have a flair for the dramatic and I’m not shy at all!

  14. Louis Lucas

    My name is Louis Lucas. I’m African american and I’m 15 years old. I live in Florida and I’ve been waiting to act for awhile. I haven’t exactly had the right opportunity but I think with the right chance you won’t regret it 😉

  15. Dynya mckinney

    Hi I’m Dynya, I’m a 13 year old girl. I have brownish redish hair with brown eyes. I’m 5’1 and I really want to act. I do have a little experience because I used to take drama class. I have been wanting to act for a long time please contact me.

  16. Sydney Morgan

    Hi! I’m Sydney. I’m almost thirteen. Also, I’m slim, with light brown hair and blue/green eyes. I’d love a part in this movie because not ONLY do I love acting, but I’ve been told by many of my teachers and friends that I should be an actress, and am great at acting! Please contact me if you interested, thank you!

  17. Hiba

    Hi my name is Hiba and I am 12 years old. I had a lot of problems when I was 8 years old because I am shy a lot so acting was the only way for me to be more confident. The only place where I am me is in front of cameras. I did some musicals, short films and drama at school, since I was 4 years old. So it’s really important for me to be a star.
    Thank you

  18. Hiba

    Hi my name is Hiba and I am 12 years old. I had a lot of problems when I was 8 years old because I am shy, so acting was the only way for me to be more confident and to be me. The only place where I am me is in front of cameras. I did some musicals, short films and drama at school since I was 4 years old. So it’s really important for me to be a star.
    Thank you

  19. Haley

    I’m a 15 year old girl, with red and blonde hair and brown eyes. I am 5″2 and 111.0 pounds. I’m very interested in acting and contact me if there’s anything available, thank you.

  20. Kailee D.

    Hi! I am a skinny, tall, 13 year old brunette with blonde natural highlights and am VERY FLEXIBLE. I am actually a contortionist and a writer.

  21. Annasjah Mathis

    I am 15 and I am a twin. I would really love if you would consider me as one of your actresses. I can dance and sing, and I also act a little, step and cheer.

  22. stephen

    I have the zeal to act, anyway keep up your good work on Disney channel.

  23. Dylan Mason

    I’m 13 and an actor. I’m a boy. I’m 5″9 with dark brown hair and blue/green eyes.


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