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Auditions in San Francisco / Bay Area for Indie Film Project “Joe and the Whale”

By | August 27, 2015

Joe and the Whale

Location: San Francisco

Type: Film

Casting Call for Independent Short Film in San Francisco

August 31st and September 3rd, from 6-9pm
255 Kansas Street Ste 350

Joe and the Whale is an independent short film telling a relatable story of being broke and adrift in San Francisco’s Mission District.

It will be filmed over a 4-5 day shoot in San Francisco in September 2015 and submitted to national and international film festivals in 2016.


JOE: Male, Mid-Late 20s:
Joe, recently split up with his girlfriend, is struggling to string together gigs to cover his rent. He is selfish and somewhat of a jerk, while charming with a good heart. There is hope for Joe despite his realization that his friends don’t necessarily trust him to do the right thing.

MIKE: Male, Mid-Late 20s:
Mike is Joe’s closest friend. He is funny and wise, with a deep sense of Joe’s shortcomings as well as his potential.

STELLA: Female, Mid-Late 20s:
Stella is Joe’s Colombian ex-girlfriend. She is mistrustful of Joe, while he remains attracted to her warmth, femininity and their shared history.

JENN: Female, Mid-Late 20s:
Jenn is a close friend of Joe and Mike’s who can go raunch-for-raunch with them. She adores Joe and his sense of humor, even when she finds him exasperating.

ERIC: Male, Mid-Late 20s:
Eric is Joe’s clean cut roommate, who is hitting his stride as an actor. He is on the up-and-up financially, and doesn’t see that Joe is taking advantage of his newfound stability.

Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: San Francisco
Please submit to: kelly@joeandthewhale.com

This casting notice was posted by: Joe and the Whale

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