Auditions for Unique Kids 4 to 7 in Atlanta to Direct a Music Video

By | October 1, 2015

Atlanta area casting directors are searching for local, unique kids ages 4 to 7 to co-direct a fun, music video project.

The project is looking for fun kids of all ethnicities that have some amazing ideas that producers would like to get on video. Sound like your kid? Check out the casting notice below for further information on how to get your child an audition with the casting directors.

(That’s right!) No directing experience necessary, MUST have vivid imagination.
We are looking for an imaginative 4 to 7 year old that we can actually have co-direct a music video. It’s a pretty fun idea. Basically, whatever this special kid dreams up, we write, produce, shoot & edit, even if they think up a stadium scene with dragons & knights..(we’ll fix it in post? right? ::nervous chuckle::)

So, basically, here’s what we’re looking for:
Can Be Between The Ages 4 to 7, All ethnicities

Someone OUTGOING. Not looking for an old-soul kid here.  We are looking for YOUNG, VIBRANT, Someone with AMAZING IDEAS, that still genuinely believes in the power of their imagination.
Do you have a child that entertains you, (or perhaps even drives you insane? -ha) with their amazing stories of far away lands? We’re interested in them.

Casting kids

Here’s How To Submit:
Email 3 pictures of your child (does not have to be professional), their age, height, weight, and YOUR phone # and name to

Please use the subject line: NEVER NEVER LAND

If you could submit a smart phone video of them being themselves for a few seconds and them telling stories, that would be great! IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE PROFESSIONAL, we are just wanting to get a glimpse into their personality.
Paying Gig, Atlanta area
Looking to shoot on October 7th, Auditions are this week.

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