Casting Call for National TV Commercial in Chicago

By | March 9, 2015

Audition for a TV Commercial

A national commercial is now casting individuals and couples in the Chicago area who carry important moments of their lives, pictures, videos, etc, around with them everyday on their cell phones or other mobile devices. Chicago area residents ages 18 to 40 are welcome to apply. The production will be paying $600 to $700 for the shoot and those that get into the final cut of the commercial will receive additional compensation.


AGES 18-40yrs. Looking for Singles, Married Couples/Partners, Same-sex Couples & People who worked/studied/lived abroad. MOST IMPORTANTLY looking for people who carry important life moments around with them on their personal devices.

We want people who have photos, videos, written pieces, fragments of conversations, etc. from their meaningful milestones. An example would be someone who might have memorabilia from their graduation, their 1st date with the person they married, their wedding, the birth of their child, etc. The important thing is the moments are personal and have a deep meaning for you, and you always have them with you or nearby.

You would make $600-$700.00 payment for the session (if chosen) and if appear in the final commercial will receive additional compensation.


One thought on “Casting Call for National TV Commercial in Chicago

  1. Marcus

    I can be an extra or I can go for the starring Role. This would be my first acting role.


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