Casting Participants for “The Positive Principle” Reality Series

By | February 23, 2015


Do You Want to Change The Experience of Your Life…?
We are currently seeking 4 unique, expressive, interesting and willing participants to take part in a brand-new online personal development reality show on the Google+ Platform called “The Positive Principle”.

Think of The Positive Principle as a hybrid of Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday & The Voice. The Positive Principle is an eight week journey where participants will be introduced to a positive, life changing principle each week in order to help them shift their lives and results for the better…the WAYYYY better! All while the viewing audience cheers on their successes and empathizes with their challenges.

If You Are:

  • Needing Clarity about Any Area of Your Life
  • Sick of Experiencing Your Life as a Struggle
  • Someone Who Has Put The Dream of Your Life on the Back Burner
  • Needing to Find True Peace in Your Life
  • Ready to Finally LIVE LIFE FULLY
  • Willing to Do The Work to Get Different Results
  • Done with Excuses
  • Tired of Feeling Like Life Isn’t Fair

If ANY or ALL of these apply to you, The Positive Principle may be a match for you…

Casting is NOW OPEN for a wide range of types.
All sexes, ages, sexual/gender orientations, cultural backgrounds are encouraged to submit.

If selected participants will receive $2100 of FREE life coaching

Reality show "The Positive Principle"

3 thoughts on “Casting Participants for “The Positive Principle” Reality Series

  1. Steven Chesley

    Thought I filled this out? My story is that I do have some health problems and I have IBS along with some other problems and my life has been upside down for awhile now! My mom almost died and ever since I don’t have a care in the world. I lost the drive I had and if things don’t change for me I’m scared of what may happen. I don’t care about being on TV, I would rather not to be honest but if it would pay for the help then that’s the only reason why I would do it. I lost my job recently and I may be losing my house. I cant find any work because I cant pass a drug test. I need the help.
    your friend Steven Chesley.

  2. Brooke Christie

    I’m 21 years old. Divorced now for 3 months from an older man who destroyed my life. Would really love this.

  3. Aljuwuane Hicks

    Hello my name is Aljuwuane Hicks. I’m 17 years old. I was diagnosed with chrones disease when I was 14 years old. The disease means that your intestines are inflamed and that you might have to have surgery down the line. But during them surgery I had major weight loss. I weighed 70 lbs now, I weigh 140 or 145 but I went through a lot. So there you go, I went through a serious sickness during my childhood.


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