Casting Real People for National FIDO TV Commercial / Print Ad in Toronto – Pays $1000

By | September 5, 2015

Casting call in Canada, Toronto, Ontario.

Canadian casting directors are seeking talent for a Fido ad campaign.

Fido is a Canadian cellular telephone service provider owned by Rogers Communications and they are seeking real people, not actors on this one. Morgan casting is looking for people who work from home or have a passion about something they do at home, in the Toronto area. The company is interested in casting bloggers, yoga enthusiasts, foodies, artists, musicians, etc. There will be a dog in this shoot, so those applying must not have any dog allergies and be generally OK with working around a pooch.

Morgan Casting will be taking submissions through the 11th of this month.  The casting call will be done by video, so there will not be any live auditions. Folks interested must follow the below instructions to make their home videos and send them in to the casting directors. Those cast for the commercial / print ad will get national exposure and be paid $1000 for the shoot. You do not need to be a current FIDO customer in order to be considered.


Seeking unique & interesting real people for a FIDO campaign (Toronto). Please have a read. If you have a passion that you do from home, we are interested. Bloggers, yoga enthusiasts, foodies, artists, musicians, etc. Pays $1000.00, plus the ads use your real name and a link to your blog, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Great national promotion for one’s love, brand, small business, etc.

DEADLINE TO SUGGEST is Friday, Sept. 11th at 7pm. Booking from your home video only – no live casting!

Toronto casting call for FIDO TV commercial

SEEKING: Males & Females who look be in the range of 25 – 32 years. Open to all ethnic backgrounds.
Looking for real and genuine everyday people with personality.

Pays $1000.00 if selected + the ads will promote one’s passion, small business, hobby, etc (link in ads to one’s Facebook, company website, Instagram, blog, etc) So great national exposure for your blog, brand, small business, etc.

Gist of the campaign:
Seeking 3 interesting and unique individuals who either work from home or “practice” a hobby, love, passion from home. The campaign will feature images of one in his/her own space – doing what he or she is passionate about. Could be a guy doing yoga, a food blogger working on the computer, fashion blogger, chef in his kitchen, visual artist, musician, writer, carpenter in his studio, organizer, personal stylist, baker, etc.

We are wide open as long as we stay authentic and true to your passion (could be your job or something you do “off the clock” from home that drives you). The one for sure “role” we would like to cover is a male who practices yoga passionately. For the other two faces, we are indeed open.

The shoot is coming up fast! Week of September 21st.

Seeking 3 real people – Non union
1 year’s usage national FIDO PRINT campaign – possible on-line as well.

You do not have to be a current FIDO customer to participate. There will be a dog (provided by production) in each shot as well – so you should be cool and comfortable around dogs 🙂 No allergies.

In order to be considered:
Send us a quick video of yourself (shot head and shoulders) telling us in 60-90 secs about what you love doing most. Your true passion. A passion you can do from your home, your home office or even a cool space where you go to work, create, express.

Start with the following introduction:
Name, age, current city in which you live. Then chat with us about your “passion.” – your blog, your music, your art, your cooking, etc.

We are not looking for fancy pro-quality footage. Shooting with a smartphone will certainly suffice. If using an iPhone be sure to hold it horizontal vs. vertical so that your video is not flipped sideways. Start with your introduction and then tell the camera about your passion or project or work. Roughly 60-90 seconds max. We would then love a second video showing us your space/home in which you work or create. You are welcome to verbally guide us.

Please send two separate videos via email. Kindly name your actual video files with or .mp4 etc. & Finally, send us one pic to use for your video cover photo (a jpg would be great). If you have a large file, you can send it us via Wetransfer or Hightail – both free sites and very user friendly.

Deadline to send in your self tapes is Fri., September 11th at 7pm ET. Email to Please title your email with “your name” for FIDO.

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