Disney Channel & Disney XD Online Open Casting Call

By | August 7, 2015

Disney Channel and Disney XD are holding open auditions for kids and teens ages 10 to 17 nationwide.

The Official Disney talent search for 2015 is on – Update, the deadline has been extended to the 10th!

The news just arrived… The official Disney talent search just opened hours ago and kids who have been patiently waiting for a chance to try out for a Disney Channel show now have their chance.

Disney Channel and Disney XD just announced, a few hours ago, that the annual open casting call for Disney will be held online this year. That is great news for kids itching for a shot at Disney fame but never getting their chance due to their location. In past years, Disney has held live auditions once a year in various cities, last year, the Disney channel auditions were in Los Angeles, but this year, kids around the nation have a chance to try out to be on Disney Channel…. no matter where they live.

Every year the Disney Channel and Disney XD hold a an annual talent search. Disney casting directors meet with kids, teens and their families, searching for the next breakout child star. The event is always held during the spring or summer months and this year is no different since the company announced that July 23rd is the first day that auditions will be open. This will be the first year that the annual Disney casting call will be open, online and accepting video submissions. Kids wanting a shot at a role on a Disney Channel or Disney XD show can check out the flyer below for all the details as well as information on how get the script, record and upload their video auditions.

Try out for Disney Channel

These auditions are not for any specific role or project. The companies casting directors are looking for new talent for future Disney movies and Disney Channel shows. This is a search for new talent and you do not need to have an agent. The company is looking for kids between the ages of 10 and 17 who have an interest in acting and would like to be considered for future projects.

It looks like all the audition instructions are being handled by an app. and partnered with Applause. At the moment, the page they are sending you to in the notice is a bit confusing, but seems that kids will first need to download their app to get further instructions on submitting their videos.

 The application submission period is July 23rd through August 6th, so kids nationwide have a couple weeks to get their audition videos perfected before uploading them. This is the official Disney call, there are no fees to submit your online audition videos. If you are looking for the Disney script, here is the link.

Be sure to also check out the other shows that have casting calls out for kids.

Deadline extended for Disney Channel online auditions

143 thoughts on “Disney Channel & Disney XD Online Open Casting Call

  1. Tammy Watkins

    Same problem as everyone else. Oops! Sorry there was a problem uploading your video…………. Is there another way to submit?

  2. Kayla


    I am currently trying to post my video which is in the right format but my phone will not let me. Is there any other way to send it to you? Thank you so much for your time.

  3. Mary

    How will we be notified if we got a callback? And when would that be?

      1. Mary

        Yes, I was very lucky. Mine went through on 4G in the car in less than five minutes. WiFi would take forever and eventually give me an oops message.

  4. Tonia Scearce

    I have been trying for 4 days now to submit kids and the site keeps telling me “oops there was a problem” we are down to the wire and I still have to get them submitted. HELP PLEASE!

  5. Donice B.

    Although it’s nice to know I’m not the only who’s experiencing the issue, it still sucks for the kids (and parents) who are trying to submit for them.

  6. A sad girl

    I am not an american and I don’t live in there too… Does that means I don’t have a chance?

  7. Alicia

    When I click submit, once I have chosen my video on my phone, it takes me back to submit page and does not confirm if the video was actually submitted.

  8. Alicia

    The app will not upload on my phone, nor can you get it to upload from my PC.

  9. Lucy

    so sad that after so many days …….they haven’t fixed the problem…. 🙁

  10. Tasha hillman

    Please help me, I cant even view the app. I am 17 and from Canada and extremely passionate about applying! I love all performing arts, thanks so much. Is there another option for us Canadians? Thanks

  11. Nate Fleming

    What a disappointment! My daughter worked hard, just to be stymied by a bug in the app. It refuses to allow her 30 second video to upload. It’s frustrating that they didn’t do a better job with this.

    We’ll keep trying, but they should extend the deadline until the bugs are worked out.

    1. Carla

      My daughter is in the same boat. Worked so hard to get her audition “just right” and the app won’t let her update. I wonder how many kids this is affecting. Sounds like a ton. I wonder if anyone got their video to load?

  12. Jennifer

    Been trying to upload my daughter’s audition video that she’s worked on for days. Guess they are just overloaded. She’s so disappointed.

  13. Coco

    That app, it won’t work, it’s totally heartbreaking for my son.

  14. Connie

    The audition videos will not upload on applause. It’s 8/5/15.

  15. Brooklynne

    I can act to anything. I’m just here looking for a part.

  16. Gabrielle DelPrincipe

    Hello I was looking for information on where I’m supposed to be sending the video for my open casting call. I don’t have an address or email address to send the video out to. If you could please get back to me.

  17. DeAnna Morgan

    I have been trying to upload my daughter audition video to disney applause and after it uploads its says OOPS! Video cannot upload. Ive been trying for 3 days. My daughter and I are excited about the opportunity. Please please help!

  18. Lucy

    Hi everyone……just wondering if anyone has been able to submit their video……..and if yo did, what’s the link?

  19. Rosalena

    How do you submit and verify that the Disney audition was received?

  20. Lyle

    Trying several times to upload my video in the US while following all the guidelines and having an account on the app didn’t work for me, and I have no idea what to do. Does anyone know what I did wrong or how can I upload my audition?

  21. Rosalena

    I have been trying for days to upload to send my daughter audions but it won’t go through. How can I get it to go through- I have download it to my iPhone 5 and lap top and it won’t go through. My wifi is connected I need help!!! Could you verify that the video went through because I am at a loss. Thank You

    1. Laura Fitzgerald

      Hey the same has happened to me. I’m going to post it on Facebook and see if that works. Hope they will watch.

  22. Lizzy

    I made my video without any problem with the Applause camera (I didn’t choose existing) and my video won’t upload no matter what I do! Can anyone help me with this please?

  23. Aaron

    We repeatedly attempted to upload a video but it kept saying “Oops! Sorry, but there was a problem uploading your video.” No problem getting script, no problem signing up, and no problem signing in. The only issue is getting them the video. It doesn’t seem to have any other option on reporting the error.

  24. Kate

    I can’t figure out how to create an account can somebody help?

  25. Arushi Rana

    I am 14 years old and I want to this opportunity but the option for downloading the aap is not coming. So can anyone help me?? PLEASE

  26. Sheree

    Okay so I downloaded the app and did all The necessary steps to try and get the Script. I had to Create a Disney account and so I did, and after I was done it took me straight to add video but I can’t send a video if we don’t have the script so my twin girls can study them and so I keep going back to the beginning and do it all over but it still take me straight to add video without the script. Can someone please help me are email it to me I would be forever grateful…

    1. erica Post author

      The link for the script, which is a pdf, is on the page. You can see the script without the app.

        1. erica Post author

          I don’t believe so, this is the way Disney is doing it this year.

          1. Tasha

            Can you please ask if there is any other way? I have film scenes on youtube etc, this app is just not even opening for me and acting is a huge passion of mine, please let me know. Even ask if they could email me please.

    2. Gabrielle DelPrincipe

      What is the app I have to download? I can’t find it anywhere Please and Ty.

  27. Ellie Sakrow

    It isn’t working. It says I can’t sign in.

  28. Rim

    I want to audition for Disney channel but the problem is that i don’t live in america. I thought I could go there if someone calls me for a role. Is it possible?

  29. ynalaurajohnes

    I can’t download the app because it’s not available in my country. This was a great opportunity but I can’t even download the app.

      1. erica Post author

        The PDF link for the Disney audition script is located on this page.


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