Does You Family Need a Reality Show? Casting “My Crazy Family” Nationwide

By | February 17, 2015


Location: nationwide

Type: Docu-series

Do you have a family that is entertaining and outgoing? Do people comment that you guys need your own reality show? If so, a major network is seeking REAL families for “My Crazy Family“, a new show showcasing American families and what life is like within that family.

Does the above sound like your family? If so, read on….

Plimsoll Productions and a major television network is looking for entertaining, outgoing and dynamic families for an innovative new show that will take an inside look at day to day living in America.

If you are constantly told that your family should have their own TV show, this is for you!

We are looking for families to open up their homes and show us what makes their families special. Real families, real events and real life. No two families are alike, so how does yours stand out?

crazy family show

If you or someone you know is perfect for this show, we want to hear from you! Please send us a brief description of your family, a current photo and contact info to

Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: nationwide

Please submit to: by 2015-04-17

This casting notice was posted by: Richard Arreguin- Casting Producer

Plimsoll Productions

7 thoughts on “Does You Family Need a Reality Show? Casting “My Crazy Family” Nationwide

  1. Erika Adams

    Hi my name is Erika. I met my fiance in November 2017. I always grew up in a crazy household with me being the only girl and having two brothers. But when I met my fiance I didn’t think it could get crazier but it did. He has a older biological brother who is 22. And he has 4 younger siblings who are adopted. Two are biological brothers and the other two are biological brother and sister. None of them get along most of the time so it is nothing but craziness in this house hold. I honestly believe if we had our own TV show it would be a hit because this family is loving at times and at other times you have no idea what’s gonna come out of there mouths which most of the time is hilarious.

  2. Jessica Stratton

    We are the Stratton Family, and our family is interesting and unique. My name is Jessica Stratton and I am 23 years old. I got married December 3rd 2016 to a church going man who was a widower, with kids older then me, he is 48 years old. At first none of his kids accepted his desicion off marrying me, but he did it anyways. Shortly after being married, we was asked by the state to take 3 week old magnus who is currently 1 years old today. So, we did , but in our minds we said we wanted to help the family out and guide them to be able to get their son back. But, little did we know we would still have Magnus today, for the parents haven’t got their act together nor done what they needed to do, to prove to the state of Illinois they were fit as parents. The state asked us of Feb. 2018 to take Magnus’ biological older brother Jay who is currently 2 years old, for they have policies of keeping siblings together so we of course said yes as we changed our intentions of adopting the boys into our family. In the mean while before getting Jay, we found out we was pregnant, with our first biological baby which is our miracle baby, for Tony fell off a tree Year’s ago and was told by doctors he probably could never have kids, but this baby proved them wrong. We welcomed our baby girl Karis into this world May 21st 2018. So we have 3 kids under the age of 3. Today Tony’s older children have accepted the desicion of us marrying, but there seems to always be something new, if it’s between his older kids, or between his kids and tony or just between us all, but we try to accept each other n be a family who loves each other and accepts each other for who they are, even if it includes some struggles. Jay, has breakdowns, can’t really talk good for he is in speech class to help improve his vocabulary. Magnus likes to test buttons and push you limits. We are a family who is adventurous, always making the most of our day. We travel a lot and do new things all the time. Tony owns his own business called Inspired Heights which is a Church steeple-jack. I am a stay at home and make cakes as a hobby out of my home. We are known as the Stratton Family and we are one of a kind and unique.

  3. geneen ward

    We call ourselves High Class White Trash….. I have 5 living children, 9 grandchildren and 2 step grandkids. Raised them all alone , My oldest son is a handsome man at 37 and women love him and older women love him more, but he is a gangster/gigolo. prison time, from city to federal , we have bank robbers in the midst. My youngest son is a recovering addict, which may be off the wagon by the time I finish writing this. Its a day to day struggle, drugs, bipolar, and a comic all in one. One sophisticated daughter, one redneck from hell daughter, one adoptive daughter, we are very loud, interrupt each other constantly, fight a lot, but hold each other up during it all. I am a ER nurse and work a lot , love my family and call all the shots, don’t care if they are grown. We have lots ex-wives and ex husband, myself I have 4 ex-husbands , but still love them all. new kids ,old kids and all the in between ,together at holidays, and that can be dangerous. My dad was in organized crime and I was an only child, so I fixed it for myself and had a bunch of wild kids to drive me crazy. We are a walking comedy show, and have been told that over and over. I learned to be real, not hold secrets or what I think about things, people can deal with it anyway they want, I’m the boss and the matriarch of this family, I sit at the head of the table always. I pray in the AM for what I might do wrong and pray in the PM for what I did do wrong. I have a bad potty mouth, but it just comes with the job, but God forgives me and I still go to church.

  4. Nancy Jennings

    I think my family needs a show. We are always doing something, it’s always drama in the house. I’m dealing with 6 children, 5 grandchildren and a crazy but funny father who just came home after 27 years in prison, we have a show for you.

  5. Becca

    Wish I had seen this before! I’m a mother of six, married to their father for 10 years next month. Our kids range from age 9 down to 1 year. We have a set of twins, a son with major heart defects (he is almost 3) and has had 2 open heart surgeries (one more this fall). My husband solely supports us and I’m am making my way back to school to be a nurse by my mid 30s (I’m 28 and husband is 31). Life is busy, hectic, and full, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

  6. Shanique Shirley

    I am 18 years old and living in Jamaica. God blessed me with some really crazy family. Ilove them so much, I can’t be sad when I am around these amazing people always wearing a big smile on my face. My family and I would love to do a reality show, we are always talking about doing it.

  7. Lisa Vazquez

    My husband is in army for 19 years. Our son, Jacob, 25 in college & works, Rene’ 24 lives in Germany, Zachary 20 in college, our daughter 18 in high school.. Many challenges and fun crazy times with our family.. Would love to talk!!


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