Nationwide Talent Search for New TV Show – Social Media Mavens

By | December 3, 2015

A new TV show is looking to cast social media stars.

The show is looking for young women who are really involved with their social media pages and have huge followings. If you love social media, have a giant personality and an awesome following on the internet… this may right up your alley. The show is now casting female talent who look to be in their early 20s, anywhere in the US. The show will film in the Los Angeles area and talent cast for the show will get a free trip to the Los Angeles area plus, be paid for being on the show.

If the above sounds like you, here are all the details to apply for the show.

Searching NATIONWIDE for FEMALE SOCIAL MEDIA STARS to star in the cast of an all new television series in LA, travel provided plus pay…If you’re a young woman who appears to be in your early 20s, has a big personality, and a bigger following – we want to hear from you!


Make sure you send all this info.

Your full name and contact number
City/State where you live

Tell us about yourself, and your social media following
including how many followers, and on what platform(s)

Be sure to include links to your social media pages
Recent photos of yourself (jpg format please)

submitting asap, send all info to

2 thoughts on “Nationwide Talent Search for New TV Show – Social Media Mavens

    1. erica Post author

      There should not be a fee to apply to any notice.


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