New Family Docu-Series is Now Casting Families Nationwide

By | January 26, 2015

A new TV series is casting families nationwide in the US.

Metal Flowers Media is seeking American families to participate in a show that centers around everything that happens in the heart of most homes, the kitchen. The show will tell the story of Contemporary American life in a series of vignettes and is being created for a major network. The show’s casting directors are seeking to cast families of all backgrounds, traditions and nationalities who would like to share what it’s like to be a part of their family.

A family Docu-series about you.

The ??kitchen? is the heart of the home. It’s where we congregate at the end of the day to share our hopes and struggles with the people we love the most: our family. Through meaningful – and not so meaningful – conversations shared at the dinner table, we will learn what makes us all unique but also, what makes us all the same.

The Kitchen” will welcome TV viewers into the heart of your home, your kitchen, to share the joys and conversations that unite us all as families.

And now, the producers of “?Undercover Boss?” want to share those stories. In this exciting new series for a major network, we will tell the story of a contemporary America in a series of vignettes from your home to ours.

The Kitchen TV series

Nationwide casting is currently underway to find a few select ??families? that we can all get to know as our own. We are looking for families from every background, nationality, and tradition who can confidently express their opinions on a variety of subjects, from religion to politics to what Miley Cyrus is up to these days. Sure your family may disagree on a variety of topics, but at the end of the day, you are bound by a familial love that overcomes diverse opinions. We are looking for families who know they aren’t perfect and are not afraid to poke fun at their own flaws.

We are also seeking families who are about to undergo a major life change. If you belong to a family that wants to be heard, who wants to share what bonds them together, who wants to prove that books are not to judged by their covers, please apply now!

To apply, see or email us photos and a brief description of your family to, write THE KITCHEN in the subject line, and be sure to include your contact information.

One thought on “New Family Docu-Series is Now Casting Families Nationwide

  1. William miles Howe

    Single and interested for any survival contests or anything else available. College grad. and construction worker now…. I was voted the most interesting kid in school.


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