New Season of “Naked & Afraid” Now Casting

By | July 8, 2015

Naked and Afraid is casting hard core survivalists for new episodes for the 2015 / 2016 season of the show.

Feeling courageous? Courageous enough to tackle the extreme survivalist challenge on “Naked and Afraid“?  If so… the show is having a casting call for the new season and is seeking survival experts who are up for the challenge of their lives.

The hit survival challenge, “Naked And Afraid”   is Looking for hard-core survivalists who can endure 3 weeks in the wild…. butt naked! If that sounds right up your alley,  Apply now for a chance to prove just how tough you really are on this very extreme survival series.

Naked and Afraid”  – Two complete strangers will set out into a jungle… or other such intimidating setting, with absolutely nothing (OK, they do get an item of their choosing), not even the clothes on their back. The pair will go at this naked with no shoes, no food, no water and no shelter.  On each episode the survivalists will find themselves stranded in and, quite literally, exposed to some of the world’s most extreme weather environments. Each duo will need to work as a team building a shelter, finding water and live off the land to survive the 21 day challenge.

Naked and Afraid now casting nationwide

The new season of the series is currently airing and Metal Flowers Media is interested in hearing from people who would like to be considered for new episodes in the  2015 / 2016 season of the Discovery Channel show.

So are you feeling courageous?  Check out the casting information below for submission instructions. You must be at least 21 years old and a legal resident of the US to be considered for the show.

new casting call for Discovery's Naked and Afraid 2014 / 2015 season

Think you have what it takes to survive the most harrowing challenge of your life? Now is your chance to prove it! In this extreme cutting edge survival series, you will be paired with a partner and face harsh environments and intense situations.

Stripped of even the barest of necessities, you will rely only on one another’s skills and mental acuity to survive. Must be 21 years old.

Get Naked and Afraid – now casting the new season!

Survivalists wishing to try out for the show may see this page for the online application or email the casting directors at –  put “Naked and Afraid” in the subject line.

You may also email and put “Naked And Afraid” in the subject line.

44 thoughts on “New Season of “Naked & Afraid” Now Casting

  1. Dave

    i have the ability to survive! I endured the jungle of Papua New Guinea and the outback of Australia and the desert of the Middle East..lets roll.


    I want to see if I’m strong enough to survive.

  3. Karl fritz

    Hi I’m Karl fritz, primitive survival experience and nature enthusiast. I have pushed myself to the breaking point. I lived off the lady in the bad lands of South Dakota and no I’d love to give myself a little bigger challenge, naked.

  4. jim anthony

    i want this to do this for my city, for every man who was born naked but not afraid. It is a challenge I would love to take on and make it out on day 21, lets get it.

  5. penelope savinon

    I would love the challenge to experience wild life, being alone for 21 day, it would be an honor to cast for the show and live life wild and crazy, naked and afraid.

  6. sam

    I would like to be on the show Naked and Afraid. I am Israeli living in l.a. Would like the challenge

  7. Tamie Cole

    I think you should have a husband and wife on naked and afraid. I think my husband and I have what it takes as long as we are together.

  8. Vanessa White

    I’m 48 years young. I want to be on this show because I’m a beast. Simple and plain. I’m from ky I just started wearing shows last year I got this.

  9. Linda

    I’m 30 years old and a mother of 6. I’m determined to show my children that I can survive through anything. I know I have the motivation to survive through any condition with having my children on my mind. Please give me a chance. I have to show my kids I can do this.

  10. Erin Drossman

    I would love to do a husband and wife naked and afraid! My husband and I would stomp the yard…..or jungle!

  11. Elvin

    Hey i don’t care about my surroundings once I am breathing. I’m up for any challenge, one wish is to be on a show like this. So do your best and pick ME I AM READY FOR DAY ONE!

  12. Shaina small

    I am a tough out doors type of women. I am 28 5’10 198 lbs. I can survive in any conditions. The other contestants are not ready. Hope to hear from you.

  13. Nesly cesar

    I would like to participate on naked afraid for season 4 so badly. I’m a professional trainer at a gym and like to go to camping in the mountains. I have good skills to be a naked afraid.

  14. Bret carlson

    I applied for this show a couple years ago. Filled out all the info, talked to your producers and signed a lot of papers for you. Never heard back from you. Still am very interested in showing the world just what kind of survival skills I have. Would love to hear back from you all one more time. And hopefully, get a chance to do what I do best. SURVIVE. Just spent another 6 months living in my tent again. This time on the border of Mexico and Brownsville Texas. Helping border patrol with our border issues. Tomahawk is my call sign.

  15. James K Smith

    I’m 63 years old and even after 20 years in the army have not been challenged to see what my limits is. I would like to know what it is.

  16. James K Smith

    I’ve lived 63 years and I’ m still here.

  17. Alicia Priolette

    I know I could survive this challenge! I don’t have survival skills like some but I know that I have the determination and wisdom to make it through! Hand me the challenge and I will succeed! 😉

  18. John Boone

    I would be a good candidate for your show Naked and Afraid because I have absolutely no survival skills. I can’t believe some of the so called survivalist on your show. Some of them look like they only have half a brain! I know with my limited survival knowledge I could not only make it 21 days but thrive and enjoy the experience!

  19. Divina Grace

    Hello, Id like to be considered to test my limits to survive in the natural elements. Not a couch potato, not a TV fan, I’ve never watched an episode; however, recently as I prepared to leave my hotel(motel 6) with my dog, Pebbles, I got a glimpse of Naked & Afraid; Where water was found under soft earth & protein was eel. After 28 years as stay at home mom & now going through a divorce, I’m ready to launch my re-birthing into this world NAKED & not AFRAID, like a BABY, full of Wonder in innocence “come what may”, but years provided wisdom. I’ve always been more intune to nature, the raw, wild, & serenity all encompassing. Nature is life, water is the essence (could be my demise) protein essential, shelter for protection, & find comfort with company. Love physical challenges & testing my endurance; I have a bountiful supply of energy even at age 47….. It would be my honor to have the privilege to survive in circumstances “au natural”and help rebirth from….Divina Grace Pappas (means Divine Grace ‘Potato” never been a couch potato) into transitioned to better & stronger= Hardin most improved.

  20. Shawna (Maggie)

    How do you get on this show? Mother daughter team we would be great on this show.

  21. Chris campbell

    Dont have a resume but just started watching the show. Intense at times but should not be as bad as really shown. I would like to give it a try and show how thinking on your feet and doing what needs to be done to survive will be done before a situation gets out of hand.

  22. michael thomas

    I want to tryout for the show please tell me how

  23. Craig wilson

    I’m a mountain man built to survive. I have respect and love for the wild. I would love to have a shot at anywhere. 100% positive, I’d make it through any environment of your choosing.

  24. Scott Omerzo

    I don’t care to boast….I’m a newly divorced father of 2. I’ve taught my kids how to hunt, fish, forage and eat everything and anything. I’m an identical twin and ex military. I’m a steel worker and taxidermist on the side. Love the show!!

  25. jimmy pack

    My name is Jimmy pack, 49, 6 ft, 205 lb. Taxidermist, self taught survivalist! My pet is a 12 foot python, that I sleep with. I am a survivalist! For example, if I have a bad tooth? Then I pull it out myself with pliers!

  26. Jesse Shaw

    I am your man! corporate junkie by day and hard core survivalist by night! Getting in shape now since I know you will be choosing me! Please review all aspects of my resume!

    Best Regards,
    Jesse Shaw

  27. Matthew J Flint

    I know that I am truly a good option to be chosen for an upcoming episode of naked and afraid. I have many outdoor skills, I will without a doubt be a great partner to a certain woman I would be paired with…I see how certain episodes go and I know it gets stressful out there while hungry and thirsty but I will be the best teammate/partner anyone could ask for. I am a good looking man, 42 yrs young, play drums in some bands, own my own heating /ac co. I’m outgoing and funny, have quite a few tattoos of things in life that have meant a lot to me… a memorial to for my brother that was murdered,losing my dad recently, a sister passing years ago when I was a little guy, also the complete solar system because I believe the universe provides, live and love life, karma, the whole 9 yards….GIVE ME A SHOT and I will not disappoint, I will make for some good tv and a great partner for my chosen woman..and also we will be pulling out of there 3 weeks later with my partner on my arm in great emotional triumph 🙂 I look forward to that very difficult challenge of being NAKED AND AFRAID 🙂 THANK YOU,I would really appreciate a shot …… MATTHEW FLINT

  28. Ben

    I wanna be naked and afraid on your show. I have nearly died lots of times whilst naked and afraid with my girlfriend so the jungle would be a breeze…high five!

  29. Chasmin Johnigan

    Really enjoyed watching the show, and seeing if I’m capable to survive the challenge. This would motivate me to try and explore more then I have. If given the opportunity I would definitely prove my strength to myself. I had a house fire when I was 13 had to save my mother from the house while it was burning everything inside. I wasn’t able to make it since I got caught in the middle hall way and my brother ended up saving her. I would like another chance to see if I have what it takes. Please see that I’m really wanting to go out there and give the chance at another life.


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