NOLA Open Call for “The Opera Game” – Child & Adult Actors

By | October 13, 2015



Type: Other Projects

This is a film trailer that will be used as a pitch for a TV mini-series.
Director: Monty Ross
Writer: Ken Mask

OPEN CALL Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015
Time: 1-3pm
Location: JW Marriot, 614 Canal Street (8th Floor) New Orleans, Louisiana , 70130 USA

Sides will be provided

The Opera Game is a period piece (1800’s New Orleans) based on the real life of famed chess master, Paul Morphy. The work examines his precocious childhood and rise as a brilliant chess player.

PAUL MORPHY: 7 year old Caucasian male. (or can be older if 4’7″ or under) Dark hair. Paul is tiny for his age, so keep in mind if submitting older children. Cultured, educated. He is sensitive, precocious, can get lost in his own world of thought, and considered weird by other children.

EDWARD MORPHY: 11 yrs old, Caucasian male, Preferably dark haired (Paul’s brother). While he doesn’t possess the same Morphy intellect, Edward is still determined to make his family proud. He’s jealous of Paul and can be a bully.

HELENA: 14 year old Caucasian girl, Preferably dark Hair, Paul’s sister, Helena is tasked with looking after the family legacy and cleaning up after her more hot
tempered brothers. Her gentle disposition is born out of necessity, quick to play diplomat during family disputes

ALONZO MORPHY: 30 yrs old Caucasian male, Dark hair (Paul’s father). Aristocratic, thin, handsome, well dressed. Cultured, educated. He is a district judge in New Orleans. A stern, but fair man. Alonzo wants the best for Paul, although he sometimes has trouble showing it. Alonzo’s opinion means the world to Paul.

ERNEST MORPHY: 40 yrs old Caucasian male, chubby, Dark hair. He is Paul’s uncle and most frequent chess opponent. He’s a lawyer and sparring companion of his brother Alonzo. Cultured, educated though, Ernest is far more willing to encourage Paul’s extra-curricular activities.

LOUISE LE CARPENTIER MORPHY: 28 yrs old, Caucasian woman. She’s dark haired, thin and elegant, of French Creole descent. She is Paul’s mother and the family matriarch. She’s strong willed and equally as stubborn as her husband Alonzo. While Alonzo’s bark was the loudest, Louise’s spoon was the most dreaded disciplinary tool in the house.

JESSIE: Male, 50 yrs old African American, Morphy family servant, well dressed, gentlemanly, a house Negro with substantial relations with field negroes. Plays chess with Paul in secret and helps develop the awkward child’s social skills. Cajun or country accent.

GENERAL WINFIELD SCOTT: 40 year old Caucasian male, white haired, decorated union army officer. Plays chess master in New Orleans and meets Paul after hearing and not believing the hype.

OFFICIAL: 50’s Caucasian male, stoic, neatly dressed and manicured

GOVERNOR: 50’s + Caucasian, chubby, stately. He hosts the diplomats who arrive in New Orleans

DIPLOMAT: 40’s + Aristocratic

MASON: 30’s African American, strongly built slave. He is cautious to NOT let out the fact that he and Jessie and Paul play chess. Warns Jesse not to show too much intelligence. Cajun or country accent

VERNEL: 50’s Caucasian, Neatly manicured, yet disheveled, arrogant, lead slave overseer (lines)

JOHANNAS LOWENTHAL: 40’s, Caucasian male, Elegant, German/Hungarian Chess Master, Can have European accent. He’s a challenger to Paul’s true genius.

KIDS: 7-13 years old African American and Caucasian (several children, some have a line)

Payment: Paid


This casting notice was posted by: THE PRIDE AND SORROW OF CHESS MOVIE, LLC., /Lewis & Fox Casting

3 thoughts on “NOLA Open Call for “The Opera Game” – Child & Adult Actors

  1. Shelby

    I wish I would have know about this sooner. I would have loved to audition, but its too late now.

  2. Edward Dennis

    I have a residence, both in Chicago and in North Hollywood, CA. I am ready to travel at a second’s notice to where the work is. However depending where I am at the time, in cases when the audition that is scheduled is out of state, what I often suggest is, to have sides of the script emailed to me and I will immediately shoot a clip then, either post the clip, on youtube, or rush email the clip right out to you. If then interested, I will travel to your location, so you can meet me personally and even re-locate for whatever time fame is necessary, even months, to complete a project.
    Photos and resume available
    How do you submit for roles listed on this site
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    How do you submit for the roles that are posted here.


    1. erica Post author

      It’s an open call, you just show up. The details are on the post. It is this weekend in NOLA. They are looking for local actors and not accepting online submissions it seems.

      OPEN CALL Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015
      Time: 1-3pm
      Location: JW Marriot, 614 Canal Street (8th Floor) New Orleans, Louisiana , 70130 USA


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