NYC Area Actors for TV Pilot Reading “Dream State”

By | September 17, 2015

CASTING a TV Pilot reading.

Please see the details below and submit your suggestions by 10am tomorrow, Friday, September 18th.

PROJECT: “Dream State” TV Pilot reading
AUDITION DATE: Saturday, September 19th
LOCATION: Champion Studios- 257 W39th St. (7/8) 14th floor

AVAIL DATE: Thursday, October 1st (Rehearsal) and Friday, October 2nd (Live reading)

RATE: $50 rehearsal + $50 live reading ($100 total stipend) for the following roles only: Brianna, Katlyn, Amanda, Christy, Franco. Smaller roles will NOT be compensated: Joe, Sean, 2 teenage boys, 2 boys, 2 girls, John, Joe, Dad
FINAL READING DETAILS: Dixon Place- 161 Chrystie St (Rivington/ Delancey) NY NY 10002

Dream State:
After losing both her fiancé and the starring role in Pantomime the Musical to Patty, a 20-something who talks like a bouncy Barbie, Melody Smith, seeks revenge on a similar parallel group of ladies. But when Melody is called out by these 20-somethings, the pain of universal female hatred rises and an unusual bond begins to form between her, these ladies and her old-school feminist boss and friend. Together they try to start a movement toward inter-archy, one part matriarchy, one part patriarchy. It turns out the road to good intentions are lined with ambition, contradiction and a twisted subconscious.

Character breakdowns:

[BRIANNA] early 20s, ivy league educated with uptalk and vocal fry accent, white, slightly overweight, pretty. She hates her body and struggles with jealousy. She’s politically savvy and wants to be involved with and lead things that are innovative. A narcissist.
[KATLYN] early 20s, woman of color, strong-minded, creative, wearable sculpture artist. Katlyn is from Philly and she and Brianna met in swim camp when they were teenagers. She identifies as a feminist is prideful and judgmental.

[JEN] early 20s, tiny white girl with a small voice and serious uptalk. She’s honest and has a way of calling out what no one is saying. She’s oblivious in many ways and but completely clued in to how people are feeling.

[CHRISTY] mid 60s, ambitious old-school feminist. She is ambitious and wants to be more famous for her work as a feminist scholar and figure. She comes from money. Lives on CPW. She’s also quite kinky.

[AMANDA] early 40s, cabaret singer, burlesque, eccentric, overweight and a lesbian mostly. Amanda and Melody met in grammar school and reconnected when they both moved to NY in the 90s. She’s a good friend, generous and nosy.

[FRANCO] early 40s, musician introverted between 5’7” and 5’10. Franco is from Long Island. he’s quiet and quirky and secretly enamored with Melody despite the fact that he has a girlfriend of 10 years. They are together more out of routine than out of spark. franco lost his dad 5 years ago and slowed his own music down since then. he is the sound engineer on Pantomime, the Musical.

[SEAN] Early 30s, bearded self-absorbed hipster, tall. Sean’s ideas come from other people.

[DAD] mid 70s, fixed, big, hard of hearing, stubborn. Was a professor. When his wife died and he retired, he became strangely obsessed with guns.

[JOE] early 20s, Asian, jittery. Focused on what he wants.

[RON] late 40s. Ron’s a bit of a fast talking nerd but sort of sexy and pointed. Works at app land. Went through the dot bomb and and has been resurrected into an App critic.

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