Auditions for Actors in Kalamazoo, Michigan For Paid Roles in Historical Re-enactment Video

By | February 24, 2016

Historic Life at Colonial Michilimackinac Exhibit

Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan

Type: General Performers

Mackinac Historic State Parks is creating a unique exhibit where visitors will be able interact with historical characters via a life-size ‘ghost’ effect. Actors will deliver a short monologue about a specific aspect of historic life at Colonial Michilimackinac in Mackinaw City, Michigan. This is an opportunity for actors to have their work seen at the foot of the Mackinac for years to come. Mackinac State Historic Parks hosts 400,000 annual visitors to its historic sites.

Filming will be completed April 2nd, in Kalamazoo, MI and actors MUST be available on this date.

Paid: $750, for travel, lodging, and performance.

To Apply:

Send a short video stating your name and reading both of the assigned monologues for the part you choose to audition for to In addition to the video, please send your measurements in the same way as presented below, corresponding with the role for which you are auditioning. If your measurements do not match, please audition anyway—we’ll see if it can be adjusted. Please fill as many criteria as possible. Actors of all genders are encouraged to apply for the role that best suits them.

Casting: Two roles
25-35 years old
White– pale Scottish complexion
Able to perform a slight Scottish accent– specifically Glasgow

35-45 years old
White– pale English complexion
Able to perform with an English accent

Actors will be costumed with pre-existing costumes, so the closer your measurements are to the ones listed below, the better:


Height: 5’6”
Head: 22.5”
Arm: 19”
Trunk: 57.5”
Inseam: 26.5”
Waist: 30”
Bust: 34” (full inhale)
Neck: 13”
Back neck to waist: 15.5”
Waist to floor: 39”
Shoulder to shoulder: 17” (across the back)


Height: 6’
Chest: 40” (full inhale)
Waist (pant size): 32”
Hips: 34”
Inseam: 30”
Shoulder: 18.5”
Neck: 14”
Arm: 29”
Girth*: 52”
Shoe: size 10
Head: 22.5”
*Torso/trunk size – Start at lat on a shoulder, run tape down through crotch, and back up to meet the lat.

Wife Monologue (Woman):

Rebecca 1 (seated, sewing)
Arent is often concerned about my being so far away from my family and friends here in the wilderness. He needn’t worry; I rather enjoy Michilimackinac. I have my needlework and our pets to care for, and of course running the household with our servant Miss Susan occupies a great deal of my time. I’ve also become fast friends with Archange Askin, the leading lady of the town. She and I have spent many pleasant hours over tea and gossip- do you know what we heard about Lieutenant Clowes? [laughs] We also host a dinner and dance every week at each other’s houses- Mr. Askin is quite the fiddler. Yes, I have my friends, my home, and my dear husband here- I’m quite reconciled to this place.

Rebecca 2 (standing, with tea cup and saucer)
When we set out from New York for Michilimackinac, I was apprehensive about what I would find here. After being posted in Quebec and Montreal, I thought it would be just a few small, rude houses surrounded by impenetrable forest. Imagine my surprise when we arrived to discover a lively village with most of the comforts of a much larger town. Arent and I ordered new furniture from London, in addition to what we brought with us, and I think we live quite comfortably here in the commander’s house. Every day in the summer, more canoes arrive. Although mostly they carry goods for the Indian trade, they also bring us news and fine things from far beyond these great lakes– I received a new set of Chinese tea bowls just last month. [holds up tea cup] I’ve asked Mr. Askin to order a few books and a new tea pot for me through his trading partners- I do hope they arrive before winter!

Commandant Monologue (Man):

DePeyster 1 (standing, reading letter)
“On your arrival at Michilimackinac you will acquaint the Indians who may resort to that post, that His Majesty heartily wishes them well, and hope they will continue to behave as friends, and that so long as they do so, they may be assured of his Friendship and good Offices…” So read my orders. These Indian concerns take up a great deal of my time- it seems that every day more leaders arrive to speak with me about all manner of trade disputes with some of our more unscrupulous merchants. Some have become great friends and allies, but others do try my patience. Of course, with the trouble from these Boston rebels, I am doing my utmost to protect our interests here, which means recruiting Indian war parties. I’ve sent Mr. Langlade to raise a force from the Ottawa and Chippewa, who will shortly join General Burgoyne in New York. I hope they can end this rebellion before the year is out.

DePeyster 2 (walks into frame wearing hat and gloves, removes both while talking)
With the rebels threatening the Illinois country, it has become even more imperative that this garrison be ready for war. I have the men at drill daily [gestures outside with hat], and although they want for new uniforms and equipment, they are quite proficient in the firings and manual exercise. The men grumble, of course- in addition to drill, I’ve had them employed strengthening the walls, building a new firing step, and repairing the gun carriages. Lieutenant Bennet and the other subalterns are also ordered to increase their vigilance while on duty, so that the sentinels remain at all times alert to any danger. I believe we are ready to meet any force the rebels should send against us, but my duties make me weary. Fortunately, I have the company of Rebecca and my poems to ease my troubled mind. I’ve even begun to set some of my Indian speeches to verse:
Great chiefs, convened at my desire
To kindle up this council fire,
Which, with ascending smoke, shall burn
Till you from war once more return,
To lay the axe in earth so deep,
That nothing shall disturb its sleep….[fade out as poem continues]

Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: Kalamazoo, Michigan
Please submit to: by 2016-02-26

This casting notice was posted by: Zac Clark, Clark Camera Cinema

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