Auditions in London for Lead Role in Short Film

By | October 26, 2016

Short Film ‘System Failure’ Main Role Casting Call

Location: London, UK

Type: Other Projects


This is the story of a young man searching for connection in the smallest of touches, whose life-long loneliness changes his mindset so much that when love finally finds him he becomes emotionally paranoid to the point where there’s no way back. So he grabs the only chance out of his miserable life, that is letting someone else live it for him: he signs up to a service that turns people into ‘proxies’ for the old and infirm. Until the past catches up, and there’s nowhere left to run.

It’s a really low budget production, but I have already a great, talented and experienced crew gathered, so the product will be high-end, and if all goes right it will go on to festivals internationally. I can pay expenses and of course meals throughout the shooting, I’ll provide the footage for showreel, imdb credit, and we could agree on a deferred payment if the short gets picked up in the future.

If you’re a fit, I’ll send over the film’s website, the script and instructions for the audition.

We’d ideally shoot the whole short film in three days from Friday till Sunday, probably around the 10th of December, and I’d like to meet up with the actors on a weekend before for discussion and rehearsal, dates tbd.

UK acting auditions


Male, early 20s, from Scotland or Ireland (or far north England) with a distinctive (non-Londoner) accent.

Shy talker, diffident. He is lonely to the core. He longs for any kind of physical contact, that’s why the best part of his day is when someone’s arm accidentally meets his on the bus. It doesn’t matter who the other person is, he just wants it to last as long as possible.
He was alone for so long that he doesn’t know how to handle being with someone else, so he quickly becomes paranoid when he starts to experience the strange feeling of happiness. He is not rational.
Often his body language speaks for him; curved back when alone, sad; straight when with someone, happy. Slight tic – eyebrow movement, restless leg, or harmful scratching of hand – when paranoid.
He is selfish (without realising it), which I’d like to interpret with the story being only about him. We don’t get to know anyone else – not even the Girl, who – as we find out at the end – suffers from his decisions as much as he does, maybe even more.

Payment: Other

Expenses, credit, copy of footage

City or Location of call: London, UK
Please submit to: by 2016-11-01

This casting notice was posted by: Anna Tombacz

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