Casting Recurring Female Lead
Location: Portland, Oregon
Type: TV Pilots
Casting for recurring female lead in web series.
We are casting a new female lead for the Arched Wing web series, and will be re-shooting the pilot we completed in January with new female lead. Paid, minimum of $50 a day, but usually $100 daily. She has kissing scenes.
She is a spunky 18-year-old girl with a very preppy, and odd personality. She should be slim/slender, Caucasian, 18 to 25 age to apply, and have brown/black or auburn hair (or be willing to dye hair upon request) to apply.
We are building her personality as it was in the original books, so if you would like a free PDF of the first book’s rough draft to help glean information on her personality, we will be happy to email you one upon request and acceptance of audition application.
The audition will be live only, and held in Portland, OR, the date and location to be announced to those selected to audition. We do not cover travel, so do not apply if you cannot justify taking this job without travel costs covered.
To apply please submit your name, age, resume, and head-shot to
Payment: Paid
City or Location of call: Portland, Oregon
Please submit to: by 2016-07-05
This casting notice was posted by: Featherless Productions, Katherine Petersdorf

Fearherless Productions