Chicago Actors for Multiple University of Chicago Film Projects

By | April 1, 2016

Fire Escape Spring Auditions

Location: Chicago, IL

Type: Student Films

Fire Escape Films, the filmmaking group at the University of Chicago, is holding auditions for its spring projects! Roles are available for a large range of ages, and role descriptions are available below. No experience is needed, and sides will be provided upon arrival. Come to sign up for a slot and audition; audition times cannot be reserved ahead of time.

If you are cast, you will be provided a meal on shooting days, and a copy of the film for your reel. The roles are unpaid.

Monday and Tuesday (April 4 and 5)

University of Chicago, Cobb Lecture Hall
5811 S Ellis Ave, Bsmt, Chicago, Illinois 60637
Rooms tbd

Fire Escape Films Chicago

Project and Role Descriptions:
1. Let’s Go
Synopsis: Noah, Drew’s little brother, is a nerdy high school student who comes to visit Drew at college. At first, Drew is embarrassed of Noah’s immaturity and lack of experience. After a series of stereotypical college events, Noah and Drew become closer as brothers.

Noah is a nerdy, timid male. He’s too sensitive at times, very inexperienced in the realm of being social and doing social things, otherwise described as never-been-to-a-party. He brings his teddy bear to visit his older brother in college, yet while in college he learns to grow up (more like turn up). Think Michael Cera in Superbad.

Drew is an upperclassmen, he is very familiar with the college life, and does it well. He is very fit, has large muscles, and a very confident composure. Deep voice. His embarrassment of a little brother comes to visit him; Noah definitely won’t fit in with his friend group. By the end, Drew warms up to Noah. Think John Tucker in John Tucker Must Die.

Middle aged woman, in her forties ish. She’s worried about her youngest having his first college experience.

Hayley is a beautiful first year who’s ready to take on college, she’s been waiting to let loose and have her freedom. Whenever she parties, she parties. Hayley drinks to a nice tipsy state and spots Noah at a frat party. She immediately is interested and does not hesitate to approach him and get to know Noah. They make it to the bedroom, but Noah unfortunately ruins the moment, she’s not happy about it.

2. Ms. Paige

Mark Scanlon
An academic, goody two-shoes college student, he is forced to resort to illegal behavior in order to keep from failing a class. He asks his ex-girlfriend Paige, whom he still has feelings for, for help. Over the course of the film, he becomes more comfortable with shady activity and reveals a darkness in his character that was hidden before.

Ruthless and machiavellian, she is much bolder than her ex-boyfriend Mark. He relies on her to do the dirty-work of breaking into his professor’s office. Despite her calculating exterior, there is a innocence and generosity to her character that is revealed over the course of the film. She’s a sucker for cats.

Binford (gender non-specific)
A sculpture professor with a religious devotion to her philosophy of art. Absolutely incapable of cordially disagreeing with people and extremely zealous in crushing those who dissent from her opinion, such as Mark. Because Mark has a different theory of art, she decides to fail him.

Mysterious Man (gender non-specific)
A messenger for a secret society with a knack for showing up at the exact wrong place and time. Doesn’t say much.

Gerald (gender non-specific)
A member of a secret society of janitors that runs the entire university behind the scenes. Flamboyant, loves being evil.

James (gender non-specific)
A professor who accidentally interrupts Mark and Paige in the middle of their heist. Says almost nothing. Meets a grizzly end. (Note: Gender doesn’t matter here either)

3. Galvanism

Synopsis: The year is 2158. The newest class of submarine created by the Regency of Northern America, the R.N.A. Galvanism, is on a top secret mission to Antarctica with a mysterious cargo. When engine worker Don accidentally catches a glimpse of the cargo, he is dragged into a conspiracy that sends him down a path that will transform his life forever.

DON, age 30-50, male (protagonist).
Engine worker aboard the futuristic R.N.A. Galvanism submarine. Not particularly handsome or in perfect shape, but burly and rugged with a sincere smile. A likeable, amicable guy who gets dragged into a mysterious plot that is way over his head.

CAL, age 25-35, male.
Wiry, easily excitable engine worker who is Don’s work partner. Fiery, and a bit of a smart alec. Likes to crack jokes and complain a lot at first, but undergoes a profound character transformation after a mysterious meeting with the captain, becoming much more subdued and quiet.

CAPTAIN, age 30-50, male.
Enigmatic villain figure who remains shrouded in mystery for most of the film. Grandiose and highly educated, he loves the sound of his own voice and enjoys flaunting his intellect while toying with his prey. His true face is never seen.

NORMAN, age 25-50, male.
Tall, gaunt, and lanky, derives pleasure from making his fellow engine workers nervous or uncomfortable. If Tim Burton movies are still a thing in the future, Norman has seen all of them.

4. Sandbox

Old Boy
A college age guy ready to enter the world of adulthood, Old Boy is quick witted and a bit self-absorbed. He’s content with the direction of his college life but feels a sad nostalgia for his childhood, especially when at home. He’s cautious but determined, and overeager to succeed in his aspirations. He loves his mom and his friends, but would never want to hang out with both at the same time. He’s scared of the future, but excited by the opportunities it presents.
Actor’s age: 18-21?Time Commitment: 4 days.

Young Boy
Old Boy’s childhood self. He’s curious and has a bright smile, but is quick to crying if something doesn’t go his way. Young Boy is content in the company of his new playmate and very dedicated to his sandy creations.
Actor’s age: 5-8?Time Commitment: 3 days.

5. Carcer

Tall, gaunt, well- (and somewhat soft) spoken. Male, mid 40’s, race ambiguous. A murderer who takes pride in his actions, a religious fanatic, erudite, and deliberate.
Unnamed Prisoner- Male, race ambiguous, 50’s, shorter and heavy set.
A murderer who regrets his actions but attempts to hide his regret behind a caustic veneer. Undercuts Reginald at every instance.

Guard- Ambivalent, race ambiguous, gender ambiguous, 30’s-40’s.
Few lines of dialogue, brings prisoners their meals and removes handcuffs. Needs to look experienced in the motions.

6. Video

A young woman who is on the cheerleading team with a sharp and callous personality. The audition would have to feature singing a line melodically
Musical and dance background preferred.

7. Bed Rest

Synopsis: Alice makes a bet with her roommate that she can live for an entire week without leaving the comfort of her bed. Unfortunately, constant relaxation can get a little old.

Alice, early to mid twenties
A slightly controlling, prickly, dramatic, busybody who lives with her best friend. She’s recently graduated from college and, though she’s been able to secure a good job, is underwhelmed with adult life.

Justin, early to mid twenties
Though he has his own dramatic side, Justin is the more levelheaded one of the friendship. Justin holds Alice, and probably the whole apartment, together. He is kind and has a good sense of humor.

Doctor, age 30-80
Knowledgeable and thinks he’s pretty funny. Small role that gets to deliver the punchline of the film.

Older Alice, age 50-80
Brief “cameo” appearance. One line.

Payment: Non Paid

City or Location of call: Chicago, IL
Please submit to: by 2016-04-05

This casting notice was posted by: Fire Escape Films

3 thoughts on “Chicago Actors for Multiple University of Chicago Film Projects

  1. Siobhan thomas

    I’ve been to a couple of auditions here in Chicago. I’ve been on the Bill Cunningham Show, The Trisha Gordon show, The Maury Show and I want to expand my acting career. I’m a good people’s person. I know how to follow directions very well and I love to be on time for auditions.

  2. Siobhan thomas

    My biggest dream is to be an actress. I’ll get a couple auditions, so I’m very familiar with auditions. I’m a good people person and I think I’m going to be a star so please choose me because I will not let you guys down.

  3. Morgan Dixon


    My Name is Morgan Dixon and I’m a Chicago based improviser/actor looking to expand into film and television. I’d love the opportunity to audition for these upcoming films. Please let me know if need any additional information and I look forward to hearing from you.

    Morgan Dixon


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