Mashable Promo Casting People With Amazing Travel Stories From a Recommendation

By | March 4, 2016

Got a great travel story? Did you take a trip based on someone sharing their experiences?

If so, Mashable would love to hear about it.

Mashable is looking for people who would love to share their stories and be featured in an upcoming campaign.

Mashable seeks travel stories that pay it forward.

Have you had an amazing travel experience that someone shared with you? Maybe a stranger recommended an authentic cooking class while you were on your trip and it led to something unforgettable. Perhaps you summited a mountain and brought a friend who had never hiked along the following year. Or you took a road trip with college buddies and then reconnected with your parent taking a similar trip. If you have had an incredible travel experience and then paid it forward, we would love to hear from you.

Please submit a video of yourself telling a true story of your travels and how you paid that experience forward. Pictures of the trip are also very useful too. Don’t forget to state your name and where you currently reside.

Those selected will be paid and featured within this campaign. All submissions due by Tuesday 3/8/16 12PM EST.

Thank you so much and we look forward to your submissions.

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