New NBC Show Casting People With Strong Opinions About Current News

By | October 18, 2016

Now casting for a new NBC TV show.

Casting directors are looking real, everyday people across the country who want to make their opinions and non-opinions heard on the current topics going on today.

Do you have strong opinions and entertaining debates with your family, co-workers and friends? The new NBC series wants to hear all about them and possibly cast you in a new show.

America! What are you thinking?

The makers of “Undercover Boss” are looking to cast dynamic duos and trios that are ready and willing to share their ideas about the biggest current news stories and hot topics from the serious to the trivial. Do you have strong opinions about the upcoming election, the “Brangelina” break up, the Zika virus or anything else that may be trending around the world? If you (or someone you know) has something to say about breaking news stories, here is your chance.

Casting is going on now and this is a rush call. Please see the casting details and information on how to apply on this page.




5 thoughts on “New NBC Show Casting People With Strong Opinions About Current News

  1. kelley d williams bolar

    Hello, everyone knows I am informative and hilarious. I have style and grace. I am not sure why I have not been discovered yet, Hey, I am not shy. If you are looking for people to listen in and watch someone bright and loving, yet I can split up a room. Not know it but just naturally seductive and sweet, along with a shyness kind of smile. Now lets get without all the adjectives. I am extremely opinionated. I believe I am informative to what I am listening too and watching on News and radio. I also work at a local High school and I must say students along with adults listen to my every word. So I must be interesting. But I mean I can keep going but I don’t want anyone to feel intimidated, I am a mother with two beautiful daughter’s.

    I have my very own personal international legacy of my own. I been on national t.v and many syndicated radio programs. wall street Journal, Hello, everyone knows I am informative and hilarious. I have style and grace. I am not sure why I have not been discovered yet, Hey, I am not shy. If you are looking for people to listen in and watch someone bright and loving, yet I can split up a room. Not know it but just naturally seductive and sweet, along with a shyness kind of smile. Now lets get without all the adjectives. but I mean I can keep going but I don’t want anyone to feel intimidated, I am a mother with two beautiful daughter’s. I have had write up in New York times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post etc. Please understand I am not trying to sell myself but hey whatever works. Anyways, I believe in equality of education for all students and I have been an advocate for most of my life. My life came to a halt in 2011 when the Governor of Ohio John Kasich had to come and save my life. I will never forget. It was a week right after Thanksgiving. I was on the holiday break. by the way I work at a local school with students that have behavior issues. So, we were off during this time of complete mayhem. I received a post card in the mail. It stated that I had been indicted and here it reads… State of Ohio vs Kelley Wiliams Bolar. Holy grail I was spinning in my shoes. I had know clue what an indictment was let alone why the State of Ohio was sending me a post card. To make a long story short I received a felony for sending or rather signing my two daughter’s to my parents school district. I wanted them to have a great education and I paid for it dearly. Plus my poor father had to pay for this as well. He went to prison and by the way he had never been to prison in his life yet, he was charged and went to prison where he never came home. He died a broken man. I am extremely opinionated. I believe I am informative to what I am listening too and watching on News and radio. I also work at a local High school and I must say students along with adults listen to my every word. So I must be interesting.

  2. Jerome J Smith Jr

    I have strong opinions on Politics & The Social issues that effect minorities & The disenfranchised individual proportionately as compared to the Rich, White individuals this country caters too. Remember @ one time it stated in our Contitution the Black Americans were considered a fraction of a man & many believed that we didn’t have the intellect or mental capacity to compete with Whites scolastically ! Then Barack Obama become The President Of The United States & The racism that was so prevalent in the 50’s & 60’s is back with vengeance in the form of Donald Trump. Mr. Make America Great Again ! His slogan is a slap in the face to all African Americans who remember the Jim Crow South when America wasn’t so great to us !

  3. Barry Mezey

    I am very outspoken on social issues and am an upcoming celebrity/ reality tv star with his own hit show. I think Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted for gross negligence and treason. I even feel she should be dragged out by the CIA and shot and executed for crimes by getting ambassador Stevens killed. I think when the next military draft happens they should send the athletes who protest the national anthem to the front lines of war so they start to see what it takes to keep the freedoms we have as Americans as too many people have forgotten what it takes to keep those freedoms. Especially people like Colin Kaepernick who disgrace the memories of all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice by doing his protests. Did I mention I am a DHS official and I am becoming an Israeli official?

  4. Janet Russell

    I am interested in the new show that you are doing about peoples opinions. Please update me on the locations of the shows and when needed. I live in Long Island and I would be taking the LIRR, Thanks Janet Russell

  5. Tim

    I am very outspoken on social issues. How do we help america to keep to it’s founding fathers.


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