Voice Actor Auditions in Minneapolis, MN for Animated Series

By | August 10, 2016

Voice Actresses and Actors Needed For Animated Web Series

Location: Minneapolis, MN

Type: Web series

We’re launching an animated web series about five high school friends, and we need voice talent to bring these characters to life. The five friends are girls, and we’ve already cast one of them, so we’re looking for four talented young women, preferably ages 18-25, to become these characters. Please no submissions from minors.

We are also looking for voice talent for supportive characters – parents, teachers, other students, so we encourage anyone and everyone interested, male or female, any age, to submit an application! If you submit an application, please include video or audio clips of your voice – different types of character voices are welcome! Just keep in mind that the target audience is teens to early twenties, so overly wacky or goofy voices may not be suitable.

Here are the four main characters that we are looking to cast:

NOTE: Each of the characters have a lengthy back story about their cultural and ethnic lineage that plays heavily into their personalities, and we would prefer voice talents that reflect those stories. But we will consider submissions featuring artificial accents if they are portrayed authentically and respectully.

~Delray (African American). Any variation of American accent will be considered acceptable for submissions. She is extremely intelligent, loves math, fascinated with human anatomy, auto-didactic, eager to learn, very athletic, uses her skills in math and science to enhance her physical performance at sports, and lives her life in a very methodical and precise way. But she also has a sweet and comforting side, is a very dear and loyal friend, and doesn’t mind joking around and letting loose.

~Yuki (Japanese American). She is a 3rd generation Japanese-American, so no accent is required but having a Japanese accent is perfectly fine as well. She is a rebel without a cause, cool and confident, thrill seeking and adventurous, fearless, loves to dance and party, feels rules were made to be broken, sometimes plays dumb but is really very sharp, snarky and somewhat sarcastic, but also has a very big heart and is always there for her friends.

~Amelia (Hispanic). She grew up in Mexico, so we would prefer that this character have a Latin-American Spanish accent; artificial accents in submissions will be considered if done authentically and respectfully. Ability to speak Spanish is a must. She is somewhat of a stoner type, chill and laid-back personality, is a prankster and a joker, doesn’t take herself too serious, deliberately says strange and silly things for the sake of comedy, lives life one moment at a time, and is bilingual and often goes back and forth between English and Spanish when she speaks.

~Lakshmi (Indian). She grew up in India, so we would prefer that this character have an Indian accent; artificial accents in submissions will be considered if done authentically and respectfully. She is very wise, is always smiling and in a serene peaceful state, full of joy, and when she speaks she says seemingly silly or humorous things that are acutally packed with profound wisdom.

Here are some dialogue lines that can be used in your submissions. You are not obligated to use these dialogue lines, but they will give us a better idea of your ability to play the part.

Lines for Delray:

Actually, muscular contraction is triggered when your brain transmits electrochemical signals along neural synaptic pathways to myocytes in your muscle tissues.

Don’t sneak up on me like that; you almost brought my resting heart rate up to 60 beats per minute.

Well, you just used the word ‘like’ sixty seven times in the last forty eight seconds; but hey, who’s counting?

Hey, I don’t have to read your mind to know you could use someone to talk to. If you’d ever like someone to pretend to be interested in what you have to say, I’m always hear to pretend to lend an ear.

Lines for Yuki:

I only need to get two things: the thing I need to get – and the thing I need to get to get the thing I need to get. Wait, was that three things? Now I’m confused.

Now you see me, now you … still see me, but I’m walking away.

If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s people who don’t like to dance and people who call me out on my inability to count.

Hey, I’m not a hater; I’m just a lover who sometimes says and does hateful things.

Lines for Amelia:

In the summer time, I like to go swimming, but in the winter time, I like to not go swimming … because it’s cold. But sometimes I do go swimming in the winter time, but indoors … like in a pool … because it’s cold. The pool isn’t cold, just the winter time. Well, sometimes the pool is cold too, I guess.

Tengo dos hermanas y dos hermanos, pero uno de mis hermanos es como un perro, entonces tengo uno hermano y un perro. Y dos hermanas.

I like to skateboard and I like to eat chalupas. But never at the same time. Well not yet, anyways. Now that I think about it, I might really enjoy that. I like to skateboard and I like to eat chalupas. Sometimes at the same time.

Algunas veces hablo en español para que ella no entienda lo que estoy diciendo.? Pero aveces cuando hablo español no me entiendo a mi mismo.

Lines for Lakshmi:

My way of seeing things is not necessarily superior to anyone else’s. Everyone sees the world in their own way. My way just happens to be very colorful.

I only see things that I want to see, but sometimes I see things that I want to see that I wish I didn’t want to see.

Life is full of all sorts of strange and mysterious little things. And sometimes strange and mysterious little things are full of life.

If you become quiet and listen to the universe, the universe will become quiet and listen to you.


I look forward to hearing from all of you.

Jameson Richards, Director/Producer

Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: Minneapolis, MN
Please submit applications via email to Jameson.Richards.Film@gmail.com by 2016-09-30

This casting notice was posted by: Jameson Richards

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