Voice Actors for “The Catterson Chronicles” Audio Series

By | March 14, 2016

[UNPAID] The Catterson Chronicles – Seeking voices

[UNPAID] The Catterson Chronicles (Second batch)

Location: Nationwide

Type: Other Projects

Voice actors for audio series called The Catterson Chronicles.  It is basically like Doctor Who mixed with Metal Gear and a bit of Arrow and I am currently searching for people to play some roles.


– Quality: A crisp quality Microphone. I am not wanting you to buy a microphone but if yours produces a clear, high quality voice, that would be the best.

– Demos: I would like to hear what you sound like before I offer you the part. You are most likely going to get offered the role should you provide evidence that this is not your first rodeo. Not saying those who don’t won’t at all but this is just to weed out the spam

– Meeting requirements: If the part you are offering says for example “British voice”, could you provide that you can do that?

– Reliability: The reason why I am posting a second batch is because people said they would perform the roles and never got to. When I assign a deadline or offer you interest, could you respond?

Now here are the roles that are vacant. They may be smaller roles as a lot of big roles have been taken, but the key about this is impressions as I may message you one day in the future for a bigger role, should you provide interest. Do note, if I don’t get back to you quickly, it’s possibly due to the wait of someone to deliver their role since I don’t want to let down people or I am asleep. Also if someone drops from their role which you never got the chance for, I can message you and give you that extra chance. That or I can save your mail for a bigger role in the Christmas special or Series 2. Hope to hear from you guys soon 🙂

The Catterson Chronicles

Smaller Roles

Mark Rowland – (British Voice, a rescued captive who works with his father)

Richard Davis (requires British Voice, only one line, Prime Minister of UK)

Waitress (British voice, a few lines)

Computer Interface – (Precise over words; One Line)

News Reporter – One line, preferrably British voice or those who know British town.

Scientist 1 – (Female/Male, preferrably British voice)

Scientist 2 – (Female/Male, preferrably British voice)

News Reporter 2 – (British voice, one line, should know how to pronounce Northern areas of the UK)

Teenager 1 – (Young male/female, British voice)

Teenager 2 – (Young male, British, gangster type voice)

Silver City Soldier – (Few lines, American is acceptable due to this story being set in America)

Payment: Non Paid

City or Location of call: Nationwide
Please submit to: liamcatterson@live.co.uk by 2016-04-30

This casting notice was posted by: Liam Catterson

10 thoughts on “Voice Actors for “The Catterson Chronicles” Audio Series

  1. Corbin Barron

    Hi my name is Corbin and I’m a 20 year old male from Memphis , TN. I have a great voice and I would love to try out for the parts. Any of the male parts.

  2. JC

    Hey, I’m a young male looking to do any of the male parts really.

  3. Amelia

    Hi, I’m 14 and I’d love to be cast as Jodie or Sally 🙂

  4. Nicholas

    Hello there. My name is Nicholas and I am a 15-year-old male. Despite my young age, I have a very deep voice that surprises many people I meet. Many say that I could pass for a much older man just by listening to my voice.

    I am interested in any of the male roles really. Perhaps Richard Davis or Man or a News Reporter.

  5. Brandon Christira

    Hay I’m 16 And I Interest Too Portayed Tommy Allen

  6. Jordann

    My name is Jordann, I am sixteen years old and am very interested in being one of the young female extras or Jodie! Thank you.

  7. Felicia Roberts

    Hi! My name is Felicia I’m 16 and I’d love to play Jodie.

    1. Liam Catterson

      Hello, could you send me your email so we can discuss this more?

      1. erica Post author

        The casting directors email is actually listed on the page.


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