Auditions in Vancouver, BC for Student Film “Old Ridge Road”

By | February 9, 2017

Casting for Union and Non Union Roles for Thriller Short Film

Location: Vancouver, BC

Type: Student Films

Old Ridge Road –   Ignorance of sin is worse than sin itself.

Ted Williams, friendly and charming, is seeking revenge through an elaborate and intricate scheme against those who have wronged him; more importantly, Brett, the man ignorant to it. His devious plan is poetic justice and he hopes his victims will feel what he had felt when he was betrayed.


Ted/Andrea Williams, mysterious and charming, is a laid off middle class factory worker. The kind of person who would stop on the way to the most important meeting of their life just to show you directions to the nearest restaurant. Divorced without kids, having lost everything in a chemical incident two years ago. Williams is relentless and driven; dedicating years to extract revenge on the ones who cost him everything. Williams believes that ignorance of sin is worse than sin itself, but that both must be punished for. Williams is intelligent, knowing how humans interact and react to certain situations; using this knowledge and wisdom for his/her own devious plan; hoping to get the satisfaction deserved before embarking on a new life.

Brett, mid 30s, imposing and scruffy, is a successful and intelligent chief engineer at a chemical company. He is a man obsessed with work, and looking as important and professional as he possibly can through material items such as clothes, or cars. Brett is the kind of person who would freak out at an employee in public if he felt he was losing control over a situation. After his wife left him, he spends most of his time at work and spending his money to keep himself company. If he were to go out for drinks or a bottle of wine, it would be motivated by his underlying goal of furthering to close a deal. The second he walks into a place, he demands attention and with his senior position in the company, he tells himself he deserves the same respect elsewhere. Brett believes money can buy happiness, and those who disagree are hopeless romantics.

Rob, late 40s, stuck up, cut throat, power hungry, learned from a young age that going by the books is a good way to keep things operating, but the most efficient way is by dancing on the line of morality and even legality to achieve a goal. Through years of experience, he has learned to cover up his mistakes carefully. He is self invested and highly logical, he knows the difference between black and white but enjoys operating in the grey area. With such a large responsibility as CEO of a company, he has learned how to make decisions quickly, though he struggles with anxiety as his work gets to him regularly. After starting the company from the ground up, and hiring Brett on early, he has always been the one anal about ensuring the company is a success.

[JAKE] [GENDER: MALE] [AGE: 20-25]
Jake, young 20s, cares about people and is the nicest guy you will meet. The only reason he has this job is because he is doing a summer co-op that he got through his father as he is studying to become an engineer.

Stephanie, late 20s, sweet, independent, beautiful and knows it, dominant, resourceful, intelligent, efficient. She knows how to control people through these traits. She cares about impressing those in power and does her job well, while still holding her own. She hopes to be a lawyer, but also loves helping people succeed that she cares about, which is why she is satisfied with this job for the time being.

Rachel, mid 20s, compassionate and polite, is an innocent small town girl. She enjoys spending her time off on late walks in the park with her boyfriend. She dreams of becoming a veterinarian one day, and will be attending med school in the spring. For now she saves up by working the night shifts at a truck stop diner just outside of town.

Christy, early 30s, business woman, charismatic, and very good at speaking. She heads up public relations at the chemical company.

Friendly warehouse worker who has been with the company for most of his/her life. The type of person who knows your entire family tree and makes a conscious effort to get to know everyone. Simple and happy with where he/she is in life.

Additional Characters:

Background Talent:

– 3 x Truckers, Male or Female. 25-55.

– 1 x Diner Waiter, Male or Female. 35-50

– 3 x Diner Costumers, Male or Female. 35-55

– 5 x Factory Workers, Male or Female. 25-55

– 3 x Factory Office Workers, Male or Female. 25-55

Old Ridge Road

Submission Instructions:

Please submit resume and headshot, as well as the role you would like to audition for. You may also specify a second choice for role submission. Submit to Wayne at

Audition Location: 142 Water Street, Vancouver (Vancouver Film School)

Shooting Location: North Vancouver / Downtown Vancouver


February 11, 2017 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
February 12, 2017 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
February 17, 2017 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
February 18, 2017 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Call backs are: February 19th, 9:00 AM – 7:00PM

Payment: Other
Union insurance fees covered and transportation to North Vancouver locations.

City or Location of call: Vancouver, BC
Please submit to: by 2017-02-16

This casting notice was posted by: Old Ridge Road

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