Home » Reality TV » Plastic Surgery TV Show Casting People Who Want Plastic Surgery Nationwide for “Beauty & the Beach”

Plastic Surgery TV Show Casting People Who Want Plastic Surgery Nationwide for “Beauty & the Beach”

By | April 3, 2019

Now casting plastic surgery tourism show

Location: Nationwide

Please note that this has been updated for the new season, please see https://www.auditionsfree.com/2019/nationwide-casting-call-for-plastic-surgery-show-beauty-and-the-beach/

2B Media are searching for potential patients for “Beauty & the Beach“. We are casting for men and women aged 21 – 55 who are prepared to travel to an exotic location and undergo cosmetic surgery with a team of world renowned and acclaimed plastic surgeons.

We are looking for people with big personalities and incredible stories, in particular are you someone who has already had multiple cosmetic surgeries? Or are you a little person living with dwarfism and considering cosmetic surgery on your face, breasts or tummy? We want to know why you feel you need surgery…

Our surgical team are specialists in everything from breast augmentations to full gender reassignment, reconstructive surgeries are also of interest. So please also let us know what procedure you are interested in.

So please contact us with your name, contact details, a few pictures (including the area which you feel needs treatment), as well as a brief bit about you, why you need the surgery, how life would change after surgery etc.

Payment: Non-paid.


30 thoughts on “Plastic Surgery TV Show Casting People Who Want Plastic Surgery Nationwide for “Beauty & the Beach”

  1. Tammy Stuckey

    Hi am 52 years old live in Fl. Which is always warm and hot weather . I went from 263 pounds to 175 kept it off for about 6 years now . Am pretty out going person but when I look in the mirror naked it’s like a sin am hiding a different person. I look at my body and think how anyone would be attracted to this !!!! Am not myself, tears roll down my face when I see all this lose skin you just want to cut it off yourself . Hard to hide it when you live down here you have wear less clothes or you get over heated. I go to the stores in shorts I see people looking at my lose skin on my legs. My arms , my neck makes me look 10 years older then I am , my stomach , breast all looks bad. I can’t even enjoy life sometimes. I get sore under stomach from the skin at times. Clothes never fit right. I just want to get of this body and feel a live again !

  2. Angela Ross

    I am 44yrs old. After gastric bypass in 2007 and starting nursing school a week later to win the Florence Nightengale award. Fast forward and 2015 I began getting sick. Drs didn’t know why I couldn’t eat or what to do. After losing to 88lbs, multiple hospital, procedures, drs, ambulance rides and near death multiple times I got well enough to have reconstructive surgery for an ulcer/stricture after 6 months. Fast forward again and currently I am disabled and just had a hysterectomy after beginning to have a period after 7ys. I am working out and determined to wall without my cane full time!!! I am 117-120lbs and have entirely too much skin that cause so many issues I could list them for days. I would love to finally have tje skin removed not only for necessity/cosmetic reasons completely. I have recently found my purpose I have felt I was destined for all along and would like my outside to better represent my insides. I am willing to work just as hard as I already have and harder to complete this goal and mark it off the bucket list! Hope someone will consider helping remove this skin and all the negativity surrounding it. Thank you for your consideration!

  3. Edgardo De Leon

    My name is Edgardo De leon, I am 53 years old Dad. I am interesting in participate in this project because I feel I have 29 years old inside and I can look young to beat time and keep my dream alive. I love sports, life, and my family and friends. I know this would be interesting for me and I am very dedicated and hard work person. I would like to have surgery in my face included nose, chest, abdominal and legs. What a work? In the next life I want to get back tall and strong but with my personality and smart mind. My daughter is my inspiration; and this would be another way to put her thinking about how her father looks life “a different perspective”

  4. Kimberly

    Hello, I’m Kimberly and I’m 38. I had augmentation 12 years ago when I was well off financially and health wise. I developed hypothyroidism, and have developed several injuries. I’m divorced single Mom and it’s not easy of course. My family doctor wants my implants to come out. However, I don’t wanna be disfigured. I need see a plastic surgeon for a breast reduction. I’d love a Mommy makeover too. Because when I developed hypothyroidism I went from 118 to 218 pounds. I’ve lost back down to 148 but I got stretch skin in abdominal area. It’s extremely upsetting to me everyday. I try to make time to workout but I’m clinically depressed it’s difficult to achieve my goals with so many obstacles in my way.

  5. sunshine

    Felt ugly all my life. Would just like to feel beautiful for once in my life.

  6. Julie cooke

    Hi, I’m a 53 year old was a single mum with 3 adult children never worked as i was a full time carer to my late mother and my youngest son.
    I had weight loss surgery. I’m looking for a total body lift & lipo, have lots of excessive skin, I have no chance of getting surgery done. I have no income or saving and you can not get skin removal on the nhs and to be truthful at times I wished I never had it done and sometime I want to kill myself.
    I’m so grateful with the weight loss but you just don’t know how it going to effect your mental health.
    I really need help so I’m hoping for a show will help i’m not looking to be made into someone pretty just normal, yes if money was no option i have a list of thing i like to change but that would need a lottery win.

  7. Jenn

    I am a full time mother of two and Nursing student. I am 34 years old and have spent the past five years living in an d out of hospitals due to my son being born with a severe CHD he has undergone 3 open heart surgeries, and we had fetal intervention together. He’s well and stable now. I have had a breast augmentation a while back but would like them smaller they are 700ccs, and I have aged quite a bit due to stress the past five years. I have done a lot of diet and exercise and miss the old me. I would like the back of my legs done, my stomach is like jello and extra skin, facial rejuvenation and smaller implants. I want to get back into to work force as a vibrant nurse ready to take it on with confidence, rather then looking like a worn out mother.I just haven’t had anything for me in years and this sounds like a dream.

  8. Angela

    I am Angela. After my second child years ago, I never got rid of my baby belly. It never shrank back down. Over the years my weight has fluctuated up and down. Currently, all on my own – I have lost approximately 32 pounds. I have made tons of lifestyle changes. My limbs and body are well portioned. However, my stomach has lots of flab that in 10 years of dieting, lifestyle changes, and even fasting can not and will not go away. I now have a mound of flesh that doesn’t even feel like an extra bag i’m carrying around. I have some health issues because of it and am not able to get my insurance company to remove it. It has become the center of depression, affecting my quality of life and my confidence about myself. Please help.

  9. Joaqunia Miller

    Mommy make over, this weight reminds me of being a failure.

  10. Michelle Smith

    I’m 37. Well I have had gastric sleeve surgery because of health problems and thought my doctor was going to do the skin removal surgery and a mommy makeover but he has stop doing surgeries and now I’m stuck with the saggy skin and saggy titties and saggy arms and stomach. I just really want the extra weight of so I can enjoy my kids and grand kids and be outside with my grand kids. I really just think I’m ugly and sometimes feel like my husband doesn’t like looking at me anymore so what I’m saying is I just really want to feel pretty again. Just hoping someone can help me.


    you think you guys have it bad? I had plastic surgery to fix my wide nose when I was 17 years old. I am now 44. My nose looks like someone grabbed it and twisted it around in a circle while pulling on it. My doctor begged me not to tell anyone that he did this to me and offered me a discount to fix it! I would never go to that same person. I have been living with this deformity ever since. I cant take pictures because it looks so weird. My 4 year old daughter and her friends think my nose is really weird and also my teeth are ruined from a dentist that pulled out 4 on each side to put in a bridge that I didn’t need. He should be in jail. please help me.

  12. Jacquie Kersten

    Would love a make over, work at the Mater hospital, nurses want me to do it and then they might be brave to follow me!
    What fun to look an feel great about yourself

    Thank you beach and beauty.

  13. Ms.Paige

    I really NEED boobs in my life… like NOW. Please helpppppppppp.
    I breast fed for nearly two years… these girls have had it. They need to live again!

  14. Kristyn

    My butt is flat and has been all my life. I am extremely self-conscious about this. “Sad face”. I am a mother of six and recently had a terrible car accident. I just want to be happy again and would like my breast lifted and a little plumpness added to my bum. Perhaps this would put a little joy back in my life.

  15. Trina Fairrow

    Hi, I’m Trina I’m 47 years-old and I’m in need of surgery for liposuction of stomach, love handles, back rolls and inject the fat for transfer for Brazilian butt lift (round) AND breast implants. I had breast implants put in but I’ve problems with the implants. It was leaking and ruptured so they had to be removed and the tissue that was damaged also so I’m left with small breast which is wide shaped and flat, uneven looking. I just want to feel good and look good in all my clothing and boost up my self esteem. I’m going to be a maturation of horror so my body needs to be on point. Just want to look simply beautiful. Thanks.

  16. Jan Webb

    HELP me, my body is jacked up from stomach surgery.

  17. DaNoelle Milejevich

    I am a 53 year old Transgender woman that is just beginning her journey. The realization of being transgender, for me about 2 years ago, was a very enlightening experience and helped to explain all the issues I’ve had for a lifetime. Now I am ready to complete my transition by starting HRT, and following up with ffs and GRS. This is something I just feel so strongly about. Ffs would change the way the world perceives me, and GRS will offer me personal joy to know my body has its right bits. I will also hope to get breastfeeding augmentation so that I can feel more feminine in my appearance.

    Being Transgender is the happiest realization I’ve ever experienced in my life. It has brought answers into my complex life that helped me understand the things that have puzzled me for so long. If not for the rest of humanity, being Transgender would be a pure joy all the time. But the harsh reality is that there are many humans that reject us, and abuse their privilege over us as lawmakers, employers, and others. The hate that spew from some people is incredible. It is a sad thing, that to be transgender, means generally giving up some things in life, to be happy with oneself. That is the madness, and the only sadness of being transgender.

  18. Dalys

    Hi my name is Dalys. I know you are looking for a 55 years old. Well I’m 58 and hope you consider me for this opportunity. I haven’t felt beautiful in many years since they removed my appendix, have a scar that folds over my stomach, you can see even over my clothing. Need my face arms, stomach, legs. I’m ready for all. Have felt ugly for so many years. Please help me. Thank you so much.

  19. karen marie wooders

    I would love a chance to get a new look.

  20. Angela powell

    I’m 46 yrs old and my body is so ugly, I hate myself. I need my breast lifted, my stomach tucked, my legs tightened and my arms. I’ve been on all kinds of diets and I just can’t get it off. I’m miserable.

  21. denise flood

    I am Denise, a 55 woman who has not been able to leave home without my spanks in 20 years. For health reasons I had a breast reduction. I have had a lump removed. I have breast under my arms scars that go from under one arm to the other arm. I have had gastric bypass surgery started at 350 lbs, 178 now. I have skin hanging everywhere my arms and under my arms. The skin needs to be removed, my breasts one is up one is down, my stomach and back need to be sucked the fat out, my thighs too. When I walk the fat swings, please help me. I want to look pretty again to have a good relationship where I am not ashamed to take my clothes off. I would like to be able to look at my body and not have tears in my eyes.

  22. Michelle

    My name is Michelle. I’m 43 year’s old. A mother of four. I had tummy tuck , and my tubes tied after having my third child. About six years later here comes number four. I just wish I could get my beauty back! I have no butt that really needs attention, and big breasts that has taken up too much space. All these body parts need to be put back, and tucked back in place. With a gorgeous outcome. With this new look could possible help me land my dream job. And help my self-esteem! Please help.

  23. Chanelle wilson

    I think that plastic surgery would change my life because I never smile in pictures due to the gaps in my teeth and I became over weight. As time past and I became an older women my body started to change and I do not like the changes. When it comes to my teeth I always hated my smile, all of my pictures look the same because of this problem. I think that I am the best candidate to have a slot on your show due to these issues causing me to have low self esteem. I just need a change in my life and I think that this will be it, I’m a 36 year old mom.

  24. Melissa

    Hi, my name is Melissa. I am a hairstylist and I want to have surgery. I’m a mother of two, one autistic and now that they are grown I would like to live and enjoy my life. I would like to own my own business and I think having this surgery would boost my career immensely and my confidence.

  25. Bhawna

    Plastic surgery can change my life forever because i know I have went through one latest surgery and it builds my confidence. Being an indian, its not an easy task that people will accept you after any kind of cosmetic surgery but for me its a great honor and I’m a carefree girl. I want to live my life to the fullest.

  26. Jodi

    Please share any info on plastic surgery tv casting for total body lift, thighs, stomach tuck and Breast lifts. I had 3 children and back surgeries that left scars and sagging. I would be willing to go through anything that could make me more body positive. I’m a 45 year old woman that wants her pre-baby and surgeries body back with any help. Thanks.

    1. Tammy smith

      I am a 33 yr old mum and wife, who was extremely overweight which with diet and exercise I have lost 12stone in total. I was 24st 7.5Ib in March 2015 I joined a local slimming group and started my journey to a healthier life.
      I am very proud of my achievement lost g 12 stone but left with a deformed body which I hate so much. Everyday it’s a reminder of what I did to my body and I am disgusted. I look disgusting and I no longer allow my husband to touch me at all. I just want me life back. Please please can you help me.


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