Actors in Maryland / DC Area for Stage Play “Reality of Trump”

By | September 17, 2018

Reality of Trump

Location: Maryland, WDC

Type: Theater

I have booked Bus Boys and Poets on 14th & V, for a staged Reading of my play Reality of Trump. I would like the players to be comfortable with their characters and convincing. I know it isn’t a lot of time. I have enclosed a link to the play. Feel free to read and share, if you know someone who may be interested.
I am thinking of a get together meeting on Sept 29th, perhaps followed by a full rehearsal, or at least with those available.
When you respond, please let me know which part you are interested in and why. I will also set up a Facebook group, so we can communicate.

We had a reading in Raleigh, and all involved agreed it should move forward. The stories are based on real and important under reported stories. Hopefully , a full production will happen someday soon. The picture is of reading cast from Raleigh, but not looking to duplicate necessarily.

This play explores how 6 women’s lives have been impacted by Donald Trump. It is mostly written in the form of documentary theater. This is their stories.

Reality Winner – a 26 year old Air Force Veteran jailed for leaking a document detailing Russian meddling in our elections.
Billi – Reality’s mother, who retired early to focus on helping her daughter
Katie – woman in her 30s who was raped as a young teenager by a rich powerful man.
M. Butina – a Russian sparrow.
Janice – a senior activists, good friends with
Peg – a senior activist.

Payment: Non Paid

City or Location of call: Maryland, WDC
Please submit to: by 2018-09-22

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