Auditions in New Jersey for Lead and Supporting Film Roles

By | September 19, 2018

“My First Kiss” – Independent short film casting

Location: New Jersey

Type: Film

“My First Kiss” – Short Film Casting in West Long Branch, New Jersey


This is an independent film that will play at several festivals and on the Internet, which is potentially an audience of several million.

Theme: When most of us look at someone with a handicap, we see only the handicap, not the person who lives with it.

A young, fiercely independent handicapped woman (Valery, already cast) who has had lousy luck with boyfriends, looks for someone to fall in love with. Her test of a guy is that their first kiss has to be his idea.

We are casting three roles, one lead, and two supporting.

1) Jack: Valery’s potential boyfriend. Plays the entire film in a wheel chair. Jack is not sure he wants to get involved with anyone, so he starts out looking for a casual relationship and winds up falling in love with Valery. Character Age 18 to 22.

2) Annie: Valery’s best friend. All Annie wants is a husband, kids, and a “normal” life, but unlike Valery, she’s really got no plan to get them, and she can’t see much further than her current boyfriend Darrin, who doesn’t want anything permanent with anyone. Character Age 20 to 24.

3) Darrin: Annie’s boy friend. Darrin is happy chasing women and drinking beer. He and Annie have been in a non-exclusive relationship since high school, and he’s not sure he wants to change things. He certainly doesn’t want the responsibility of a family. Age 20 to 24.

Script selections are available by e-mail from
Please provide head shot (can be informal) and video audition performing selection from script if interested in a one of the roles above. ASAP we are planning to start shooting on the 29th. Submit to

Raphael Serebreny


Casting descriptions for “My First Kiss”
Characters in this film:
Valery (the lead) Note this part has already been cast and there is no description of Valery
Annie (Valery’s best friend)
Jack (Valery’s boyfriend)
Darrin (Annie’s boyfriend)

Featured player
Character Type: Sidekick
Stereotype Optomist

Female, Young Adult 18 to 25

Physically, Annie is thin, blond, bouncy.

Annie is about 25. She is still trying to figure the world out. She is
not a dizzy individual, but she sometimes has a one track mind…that
track being get married and have a family. That her ideal guy is her
current boy friend doesn’t stop her from going out with a number of guys
“You gotta kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince,” But she
compares them all to her current boyfriend and finds them wanting. Not
that Darrin is such a find, but she’d be very happy winding up with him.

Driving Motivation (What is she up against?)

Hates her step mother, wants desperately to get out of living with her,
but has a dead end-low pay job and wants to get serious about her
boyfriend, even though he’s not ready to settle down.

Jack is tall, probably 5’7. He lifts weights, but because he has spent
most of his life in a wheel chair….which he remains in throughout the
story…..he doesn’t look as physically strong as he really is.

Jack spends the entire movie in a wheel chair, in fact, he doesn’t
remember a time when he wasn’t in a wheel chair, and that makes him
angry… at the entire world.

Jack would like very much to break away from his parents, who have
dragged him all over the country for his father’s job, effectively
preventing him from forming very basic relationships. He longs to break
away from them, but doesn’t know how he’ll live without them.

18 to 25

Darrin is a tall, square shouldered red head, with a generous helping of
freckes (if we can’t get the typical red-head complexion and look, we’ll
change it(. He is not a great thinker, though he counts that as a plus.

Darrin is the kind of a guy whose happy with his job, happy with his
beer at the end of the day, and happy to chase women around (very quietly).

He knows he’d be perfectly happy with Annie, but the responsibility he
would have with a family scares him.

After the incident where Annie essentially breaks up with him, he’s
miserable and does everything he can to get her back.

Raphael E. Serebreny
Independent producer/writer, film teacher, and independent director.
For further credits see:
Producer: “Drummer for the Mob,” Also co-author of the script.
Author: Shadows, Liberty and Justice Episode 1, Hunter Lee Episode 1
Founding member and partner of Cinematique, film acting school Eatontown, NJ. 2013 to 2015.
Education: Film degree California State University at San Francisco (1967)
Member: Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE)

Payment: Non Paid

City or Location of call: New Jersey
Please submit to:

This casting notice was posted by: Raphael Serebreny

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