Casting Call for New Season of Iyanla Fix My Life

By | October 25, 2018

Have a life problem?


Do you, your family or someone you know need Iyanla’s help in fixing their life?

Iyanla Vanzant is now casting for season 6 of her inspirational show that airs on the Oprah Winfrey Network. Iyanla is an accomplished author and inspirational speaker who tries to help others improve their lives. She uses her past, in which she had to overcome obstacles and personal struggles to become stronger, in order to help others improve their futures.

Secrets are revealed, truths uncovered and emotions let out as Vanzant teaches people how to pull back the curtain on what isn’t working in their lives in order to fix those problems.

Does this sound like you or anyone you may know?

If so, the show’s casting team is now accepting submissions.

  • Husbands and wives in conflict
  • Infidelity
  • Sibling Issues
  • Momma’s boys
  • Secret children
  • Family member’s bad behavior
  • Why won’t you marry me
  • Adult child won’t leave your house
  • My parents won’t butt out of my life
  • Mothering challenges
  • Single dad problems
  • Step-parent conflict
  • Mother-in-law issues
  • Couples with financial issues
  • Spiritual abuse
  • Broken relationship with God

Apply online at or email with your story, contact info and some photos for more info.

Please tag or share with anyone who could use some help.

37 thoughts on “Casting Call for New Season of Iyanla Fix My Life

  1. Shameka Gray

    Hi this message is in my hopes and prayers that I reach The Oprah Winfrey Network so that my story reaches Iyanla Vanzants Fix my life help desk.
    I’m at 45 year old mother and wife of 3 lovely boys, 2 of whom are adults and one of them being my love child conceived before my current marriage.
    Life for me early on, I would say by age 8, my sister, brother and I, lost our mother in 1983. At the tender age of 30. My sister was 14, I was 8 and my brother was 3 months old. So from then I have encountered major losses of life love and heart ache. Which is where my story began. I found Iyanla and her books to be so influential and inspiring to my life and well being. As well as my other 2 most favorite celebrity black beautiful aspirations, the lovely Oprah Winfrey, and Tyler Perry. All three whom I adore, appreciate, respect and follow throughout my lifes journey. Without them and the good graces of God I would have perished.

  2. Leticia cheri Cisneros

    Hi Mrs. Ivalyna,

    My name is Leticia Cheri Cisneros. I watch your shows frequently, and I don’t know if you help families outside of the black community, but if you do I figured why not. I am one child of four. Right now, I feel my family is extremely broken. More fear than love. More hate and resentment. Almost no communication. And of there is, toxic. Very toxic. No understanding of one another. No graps of who we are. We all wear masks and live in fear to a degree. I am the black sheep and scape goat of the family. I feel I made a lot of mistakes but I don’t know how to have healthy and vulnerable relationships. I feel like a victim or the bad guy. I feel unseen, unheard, unloved, and bullied by my parents. My brothers whom occasionally pick up their behavior. I feel like a foreigner inside my house. Since 14 I have been running away from home. Stayed at friends, occasionally the streets, homeless shelters. I am 20 years old and feel so stressed. My skin is dulling and hair falling out. I can’t go outside without fear I’m going to be hurt or victimized or bullied. I feel worthless and unloved and like a complete failure and feel my family would be better off without me. My dad and I have the worst relationship. Mom and I have of very rocky too. I was very close to ending my own life, and my dads due to the fact I had so much pain and hate and confusion and anger inside Me. I’m know as the trouble child inside my family but little does anyone acknowledge my parents belittling behavior and bully behavior. I just came back from a domestic shelter for woman a few months ago. I was doing very good their and collapsed back here. I alone can’t change this family and I think we all really need help. So much trauma and baggage this family has that no one talks about or acknowledges. I want to move out with my uncle in Kanas, but in afraid that once I do my family will call me selfish for leaving. I don’t know if they want me here but I feel obligated to stay here and help mend the family. I think my parents are mentallly sick as well as myself and I’m afraid all my siblings are going to catch it too. I don’t know where to go or what to do. I isolate everyone because of my depression and anxiety and shame and insecurity. And because my mind tells me it’s not safe for me to be Here. That I have to deal with it all on my own because I don’t feel I can ask from help from family. When I do I feel it burdens them. I don’t want my siblings to take care of my emotional needs like I had to do for my parents. Please if you or someone else you know can help us please reach out. My families never really been close and I see you bring families aware and together and i feel we need that. I see other families and they are so close and have emotional intimacy and love for eachother even during dark times. My PTSD is so severe I don’t feel safe on earth and have prayed for my death many times. My self-esteem and boundaries are almost none existing. I feel like an empathy shell of who I used to be. I want to be happy and give love to me family without conditions and manipulation but I don’t know how to. This is all we have known. There is also a lot of secrets no one talks about that needs to come out. Lots of narcissistic tendencies that I have picked up. Very toxic thinking and paranoia in house. Feels unreal. I feel the least lover of the whole family and try hard not to resent my family but sometimes I truly do. I hate them a lot like I know they hate me. I feel like we all are seen as an extension to my parents ego. Not out own individual. We aren’t vulnerable of eachother and I don’t feel we respect each other or love each other because we don’t know what love really is. Sometimes in the house is so off and missing and I can’t remember the last time I felt love and at ease.last time I had my guard down. I am so drained and tired like we all are. My parents are Christian and pray and expect God to handle everything yet doesn’t take accountability for each other. All very in dream land I feel. My head and heart are very heavy. Please I don’t want my own children or family to feel like this the way I do. I don’t know how to talk about real things it makes everyone uncomfortable. I feel more than alone and I am convinced I am evil and stupid and worthless and a whore like my father said . I want to love myself but struggling I don’t know what’s truth or lies or what’s real or fantasy anymore I feel due yo my parents extreme gas lighting. Please if yourself can help or if you know someone that can help please. Thank you for taking you time to read this and consider helpin my family of 6.

  3. Maneesha Drumgoole

    Hi Iyanla,
    I am a new wife and mother. My fear is that the pathology that you mention in your book “Peace from Broken Pieces” continues. I seen certain fears of pathologies projected from me onto my daughter. She is 15 months and everyone tells me I should put her in modeling or some type of baby casting. I have heard this from family and strangers for the past 6 months. I did not pursue It because of fear. I too, used to want to rap and dance (I went to dance school for 14 years) but my mom said she wasn’t paying for me to go to college for dance and my dad continued to make broken promises about taking me to New York to showcase my craft (at least he acted like he believed in me). Nonetheless, I choose to play everything safe, I do not take chances… I am a recent HU graduate and I am now a Speech Language Pathologist. Funny how you mention pathology in your book quite often and I am a pathologist who can’t figure out how to become my own woman and begin to break the cycle and end or cure the pathology. Nonetheless, I am not writing for me. I am writing to be better for my 15 month old daughter. I do not want to push her into a television, modeling, acting or any career for that matter, if that’s not what she desires. However, I do want to expose her to different things and allow her to explore all extra curricular activities: volleyball, gymnastics, piano, dance, soccer, acting, piano, etc. I want her to become her own person. However, I often operate out of fear. I don’t want to project my fears on her but I find myself doing so. I am saying this because at least 10 strangers have told me she should be a baby model and 4 family members. I always laugh them off. I never act on it because I figured its their opinion and I am used to playing it safe. The issue is not exposing my daughter to the industry – the issues are my fears associated with doing so. My fears of failing – so I don’t even try. As you can imagine, I allow fear to stop me or make me hesitant from doing many things in life. In reality, I’m lost and I have so much self doubt and self-esteem issues. I said all this to say – this is bigger than the me. It is about me becoming a great mom but I must heal a fearful, anxious overthinker in me. This makes me unable to fully use my best judgement and make a sound decision. So despite the example about exposing my daughter to different activities and investing in her. I now know that I myself, need to invest in my mental health and heal the pathology within so that I can raise a daughter who does not have to heal from less pathologies.

    1. Kareem Yancey

      Ma’am I need you to help us, from the last year and half my family has been split down the middle all over the death of my father whom just passed in dec 2019, there’s been violence, bloodshed and a lot of things said that’s torn us apart. It’s 12 of us so you imagine what’s going on, war between the haves and have nots, real life. I wish I had the Time to tell you, we need you bad.

  4. Valentina

    My mother and her sisters been feuding for years and it’s time to end it. It’s affecting my mother’s daily life. I know she wants that relationship with her sisters. This is most needed healing please help my mother and her sisters. I would love a happy family that we never had. Jealousy , hate, trust, has a lot to do with it please help us all started way before I was born. Needs to be put to a end sisters need to be closer not enemies.


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