Casting Fans of Lifetime TV Show “Bring It” in Los Angeles

By | September 26, 2018

Are you a fan of “Bring It?”

If so, here is a chance to tell your story of what the show means to you.

If you are a young fan of the show and live in the Los Angeles area, read on because you can get cast as a fan of “Bring It.”

The producers of Lifetime’s hit TV show “Bring It” are now looking for fans who live in the Los Angeles area and are between the ages of 10 and 18 to tell us why they love the show, how it inspires them, and what the Dancing Dolls mean to them!

Into hip hop dance competitions?

According to the show, The Dancing Dolls of Jackson, Mississippi, is one of the top dance troupes in the US. The troupe was founded by Dianna Williams, aka Miss D, in 2001 and since then has earned more than 100 trophies and 15 grand champion titles. This docuseries shows what the Dolls go through to get to the top of their game and, they hope, the top of their competitions. Each episode follows the dancers and their mothers as they prepare for competitions, parades and showcases. The episodes culminate in nail-biting battles against their biggest rivals. As a mentor, Miss D doesn’t teach the girls just about dance, she also teaches them about the importance of a good education, persistence and positive self-worth.

Interested? Read on..

If you or someone you know is a teen or pre-teen in the LA area who wants to talk to us on camera about the Dolls and appear in the show, CONTACT US TODAY!

Email with the fan’s name, location, a recent photo, a brief note about why the fan would be great for this opportunity, and the best phone number to reach them or their parents!

Fans of the show can also see the following link for more details –

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