Casting People With Student Loan Debt To Compete on TruTV’s Game Show “Paid Off”

By | September 26, 2018

Get on the Paid Off game show.

Got Student Loans you are struggling to pay off?

TruTV’s “Paid Off” game show will like to hear about it and is now casting for a new season of the game show.

Paid Off” is the game show where contestants compete to get help paying off those student loans that are weighing them down.

Help Michael Torpey bring attention to the national student loan debt crisis by being a contestant on truTV’s original game show, PAID OFF. Contestants will answer trivia questions across 4 rounds with the goal of winning money to help pay off their student loans. 2nd and 3rd place contestants still go home with a chunk of change to help with their own student loan debt.

Interested? See below for details.

Specifically looking for ‘do-good’ lawyers who are in crazy debt but don’t actually make a lot of money, groups of people who knew each other in college.

Whether it was through a fraternity/sorority, sports team, marching band, dorm hall, etc., people who want to get married but just can’t afford to get engaged because of their debt, or people who are engaged but haven’t set a wedding date due to student debt? If this is you or you know anyone who’s in student loan debt – apply to!

6 thoughts on “Casting People With Student Loan Debt To Compete on TruTV’s Game Show “Paid Off”

  1. Laurie Wilson

    Would love this show! Thank You in advance for having me!

  2. Leah Boatman

    I would love to have a chance to pay off my student loan. It would take a huge weight off my shoulders

  3. Maurice Pratt

    I would love to get out if student loan debt and would have a lot of fun on the show.

  4. Dori Lucas

    Oh my goodness! I’m a public school teacher, have been for 18 years and STILL owe $100,000.00 in student loans. I’d love to do this!

  5. Noheme Richardson Perez

    Hello ,
    Looking to display my outgoing very fun personality on a reality TV show.


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