Casting Teen Girls in NJ for Web Series

By | February 21, 2018

Play Like a Girl

Location: Cape May Court House NJ

Type: Web series

We are casting our new web series Play Like a Girl. It is a inspirational story of a group of high school girls who form an all girl tackle football team and join and boys league. They face lots of adversity but they end up champions in the end. We will have practice every other day during the summer and will be filming every fourth day. You can skip up to three practices as we realize things come up! We are casting for all parts listed below! Please submit a video of you performing any monologue or scene of your choice and also doing your characters position on the team!

Karsyn: Karsyn is a tomboy who ends up starting the team. She is the quarterback so actress should have some experience but it’s not required. We will also be doing long athletic rehearsals that you must be able to be in. The practices will be two to three hours three days a week. We will film every other day. We will be filming mostly in our high school and at a local football field. Shoots will be about four hours a day.

Alicia: Alicia is a German exchange student. Actress should be able to do a great German accent. Some language skills would be appreciated. Alicia plays center on the team and actress should have some experience although it is not required. We will be having frequent long athletic practices so the actress should be willing to participate. This will work like a regular team. The practices will be two to three hours long three days a week. We will film every other day. We will be filming mostly at our high school and st a local football field. Shoot days will last four hours each

Sung-Le: Sung-Le is a Korean exchange student. Actress should be able to do a good Korean accent. Some Korean skills would be helpful but aren’t required. She is an offensive guard so the actress should be slightly larger and experience would help but isn’t required. There will be many long athletic practices that the actress will need to participate in. The practices will be two to three hours long three days a week. We will film every other day. We will be filming mostly at our high school and st a local football field. Shoot days will last four hours each

Adrienne: an Irish exchange student. She plays offensive guard.

Kendall: Kendall is the cheer captain. She is also a flyer. Some flying experience would be helpful. She is a bit of a mean girl. There will be long athletic practices that the actress should be able to participate in. The practices will be two to three hours long three days a week. We will film every other day. We will be filming mostly at our high school and st a local football field.Shoot days will last four hours each

Sara: Sara is a Finnish exchange student. The actress should be able to do a Finnish accent. Some Finnish skills would be helpful but aren’t required. Sara is an offensive tackle and should have some experience although that is not required either. There will be frequent long athletic practices that the actress should be able to participate in. The practices will be two to three hours long three days a week. We will film every other day. We will be filming mostly at our high school and st a local football field. Shoot days will last four hours each

These are the main characters. More to come!

Payment: Other
Copy/credit and food on set and at practice

City or Location of call: Cape May Court House NJ
Please submit to: by 2018-03-31

This casting notice was posted by: Erin Newbold

4 thoughts on “Casting Teen Girls in NJ for Web Series

  1. Salma

    I am very athletic and have lifted for years so I definitely have a toned muscular build. I also have been a tomboy for most of my life so I could definitely be a great match for the tomboy character!

  2. Téa Pritchard

    I’m interested in this. Is it still available to audition for?

  3. Saveria Somma

    I would love to play the role as Karsyn. I’ve played flag football before and am very athletic. I feel I would be a perfect match.


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