Casting TV Pilot in GA Titled “Freshman Year”

By | October 15, 2018

Freshman Year

Location: Atlanta, Georigia

Type: TV Pilots

If your interested here’s a little look at the series


I REALLY WANT TO STAY AROUND THIS CENTRAL THEME – A group of outcast high school graduate friends, start their first day of their new lives, eager to become rich and famous. As the friends were walking to the their hang out spot (coffee shop or sum thing) they stumble upon a duffel bag full of cash & they think it could be a solution to all their problems but Alex disagrees; So they use the cash as an attempt to boost their popularity, but it seems the attempt fails and they’re back at square one. They later discover that the bag belonged to a local DrugLord who discovered their group’s identity, now they must find a way to replace over $25,000 or finding a way to become rich & famous will be the least of their problems. Going to the police is not an option, as they are all on his payroll.
WHATS GOING TO BE GOING IN THROUGHOUT THE SEASON – Throughout the season these friends will try to make the money back by doing various jobs and things. They will face problems that will test their friendship and secrets will come out. They will also face near death experiences regarding the issue of paying the money back. Along the way a old friend will be reunited to the group in effort to help replace the money. Will the he stay and help or will he bail and even if these friends make it out of this jam will their friendship continue.

GENRE – Comedy/Drama

PREMISE – A group of long time friends walk into trouble when they find a bag full of cash. When a fearless druglord identifies the group, he threatens them to return the money that they’ve took. The only thing wrong about that is, they’ve spent all of the money.

Gavin Johnson(18) – New leader of the group. He’s a wanna be cool guy but doesn’t like to admit it. He gets the group into trouble most of the time. And he thinks he has a future career in rap.
Jessica Carolton(recently turned 18) – Funny one of the group. Lightens the mood. A bit immature. Self motivated.
Alex Gluentonburg(17) – Intelligent, geek personality, is crushing on Jessica, usually the jealous type. He’s jealous of Gavins good looks. Wants a career in robotic engineering.
Mark Walton(18) – Old leader of the group. He’s a jock. No social skills. Sometimes stupid. Thinks his looks will get him through life. Party person. Never had a problem with making lady friends…. up to trouble. and he’s an athlete.
DrugLord(Johnny)(39) -He’s ruthless but sometimes shows mercy. Don’t double-cross him. He’s been in the drug game a while and people know his name. He‘s formed relationships with high ranking officers. In exchange for information regarding drug deals, political corruption, shipments, and murders, the police turn a blind eye to his affairs.

Keisha(38) – She’s ruthless.she keeps John in check. She low-key helps him run is run his drug business but she also has a buujshi side.
John(35) – DrugLords long time friend & partner in crime – he’s like the drug lords understudy.
Street corner kid – new on the corner. Wants to prove his worth to the drug lord and John. Try’s to act hard.
Gavin’s Dad(Tyron Johnson)(40) – single parent. Try to keep a good relationship with his son because he’s always working. Try to spend time here and there. Little bit lenient on Gavin.
Alex’ mother(Christina Gluentonburg) (43) – She still try’s baby Alex. She thinks he’s too young to move out. she wants to be a mother to Alex but also have a friendship side. Shes at work a lot.
Jessica’s Mother(Whitney Carolton)(42) – She’s a stay at home mom. She’s funny and very kind. She’s very interactive with both of her kids life while the father is away at work. She lets them get away with more than the dad lets them.
Jessica’s Father(Steve Carolton)(43) – he works a lot. He’s more strict then the mom. He’s very hard on the kids because he wants a lot for them in life. He likes to spend time with them.
Jessica’s Brother(Tomas Carolton)(11) – he’s a smart kid. he likes to stay inside to play video games. Loves to hang with his dad.

Please see the following files for more info:

Payment: Non Paid

City or Location of call: Atlanta, Georigia
Please submit to:

This casting notice was posted by: QuadShots.Int

3 thoughts on “Casting TV Pilot in GA Titled “Freshman Year”

  1. Malaki Cummings

    How do we audition and/or get more information?

  2. Ashley levy

    I’d love to play the role of Jessica, I feel connected to this character because she relates to me and seems like a great role to play.


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