Movie Audition in Detroit Michigan for Lead Roles in Indie Project

By | October 18, 2018


Location: Detroit, MI

Type: Student Films

I am having an in person casting call this Saturday 10/20 in Detroit. Casting call will be made by appointment, please email If you cannot make the call, I will be accepting video submission as well until 10/27. The casting call is for the film, “Delusion.” I am casting for the lead male character, Jesse. Here is the synopsis and character breakdown. Sides will be provided,

Delusion Film Synopsis: A young pre-law student, Katherine Henry, is stalked by a handsome man, Jesse Darien, she went on a date with a few months ago. As the stalking gets more and more intense, Katherine starts to reach out to those around her: her mother, friends, and even a police officer. None are much help, as they feel like Katherine is just exaggerating. Finally, Katherine confronts Jesse herself, but things don’t end the way she expected.

Character Description: Studies business. Embodiment of toxic masculinity. Thinks of himself as classically handsome and irresistible. Comes from a wealthy background, very well-spoken and charming but uses his looks and behaviors to manipulate those around him. Has a tendency towards violence when he believes he is being wronged. Jesse grew up with his father being harsh towards him, yet he admires him for that. His mother was always complicit and never really defended Jesse or spoke out against his father’s harshness.

Throughout the film, Jesse sends Katherine orange lilies. Orange lilies represent hatred, pride and disdain. These emotions are exactly how Jesse feels towards Katherine when she resists him throughout the film.

Jesse’s goal is to get Katherine to go out with him, he will stop at nothing to achieve this. He just wants her love and attention completely to himself, however he can get it.

To feel a sense of control. Everything in his life has been given to him by his father, so Katherine is an exception to the lavish life he has lived, which he obviously is not comfortable with.

Jesse is entitled to everything he wants because of his upbringing. He has a short fuse and is usually quick to anger. He thinks less of those below him in social status.

Payment: Non Paid

City or Location of call: Detroit, MI
Please submit to: by 2018-10-27

This casting notice was posted by: Taylor Nondorf

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