MTV Casting Young Conspiracy Theorists

By | February 26, 2018


Are you a proud conspiracy theorist? Do you dredge the depths of the internet seeking answers to questions few dare to ask…or even think to question? Do you question everything from alien abductions to seemingly random tragedies and celebrity deaths? Do you think that vaccinations are placebos or that the earth is actually flat? Do friends and family feel your extreme doubts and beliefs border on paranoia? And are you frustrated with them because you feel like you have proof for your theory?

Do you proudly protest on the frontlines, unafraid to call out those in control? Have you been arrested or threatened for whistleblowing or “having a voice?” Are your personal relationships affected by your polarizing pursuit of the truth? Are you misunderstood as unpatriotic when in actuality, you’re fighting for the safety of the American public?

If you identify with any of the above questions and appear to be between the ages of 16 and 25 email us at and tell us what makes you a conspiracy theorist. Please include your name, location, phone number and a recent photo of yourself.

MTV show

One thought on “MTV Casting Young Conspiracy Theorists

  1. Giovanni Sellitto

    I went to the Area 51 Raid.
    Gathered DVDs from other crazy people about aliens and space crafts.
    I watched over 70 hours of it by my damn self.


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