New Reality Show Casting Everyday People Who Can Be Amateur Detectives nationwide for Spy Games

By | July 4, 2018

Have you ever though you could be a spy?

A new show is now casting for a new reality competition series.  Do you have the intellect and instinct to become a spy? Can you pick up on clues that no one else can?

Now casting everyday people who feel they were born to be spies to take on the challenge and possibly win some cash in the process.  Are you the mom who gets underestimated but with having kids, has taught her to be the human lie detector? Are you a consumer who has busted a business for false advertising?  Maybe you are an athlete who people assume is all muscle, but, under the muscles is also a big brain? Are you the girlfriend who is so on to everything that you could possible have a career in detective work?

If any of the above sound like you, read on.

A new show is casting charismatic competitors who have dreamed of being a spy.  If you are looking for the adventure and excitement of a challenge, the show’s producers may want to hear all about it.

If you have a knack for reading others and may be capable of becoming a chameleon yourself – The show is now taking submissions from people nationwide.

See the below casting notice for all the info on how to apply to be considered for casting on the show.  By the way… No experience in detective work is required.

Now casting nation wide, men and women, competition show! Big prize money to be won!



One thought on “New Reality Show Casting Everyday People Who Can Be Amateur Detectives nationwide for Spy Games

  1. Sky Allen

    Hello my name is Sky Allen.
    Your show looks very intriguing and I would love to be on it. I am 20 years old with a very interesting past and i am in great shape. I have studied behavior in people including micro expressions. I am very good at picking up lies from others, and I have experienced a lot of pain so I know I can handle any challenge you give me. I have what it takes to make it far if not win on your show I just need a chance to prove it. Thank you for your time, I hope to hear back!


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