NYC Area Actors for Indie Film “Yellow”

By | July 18, 2018


Location: New York, NY

Type: Film


As senior year comes to a close at a New York City high school, seven teenagers find their friendships tested when faced with each other’s different moral compasses. At the center of it, 17-year-old Sydney Morein, a transfer student who finds herself caught between two contradictions: the expectations her friends have of her, and her own happiness. As she’s blackmailed into staying in a broken relationship with her boyfriend Thomas, she quickly realizes sometimes putting yourself first is easier said than done.


Sydney Morein
17-year-old Sydney is a high-school senior who transferred to a new school for her last year of high-school. She is intelligent and mature, with a bad habit of putting others before herself. Though heavily opinionated, she’s quick to bite her tongue if her perspective is at the expense of others’ happiness.

Thomas Young
Thomas is the 19-year-old boyfriend of Sydney. Though surface level he is smiley and amicable, he has a deep resentment for Gabriel and her friendship. He takes out all the frustration he hides from everybody on his girlfriend, and tends to be stubborn and offish to criticism.

Gabriel Harrigan
Gabriel, 18, is smart, manipulative, and reflective. He spends his time observing the actions of those around him by being the shoulder his friends cry on. In some ways his analysis of the motivation of people around him lead him to believe the world is out to get him.

Sebastian Moran
Best friend to Thomas and very close friend to Sydney, 18-year-old Sebastian struggles to think a few steps ahead of his actions. He very much lives for the present and acts on impulsive anger and feelings. This leaves him often rejecting other people’s perspectives.

Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: New York, NY
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This casting notice was posted by: Ally Lowes

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