Online Casting for Voice Actress on Fan Film “Super Mario Numb3rs”

By | February 22, 2018

Project featuring video game characters looking for actress/voice actress to play roll of surviving murder victim

Location: online voice recording

Type: Web series

For the fanmade adaptation of a fan-written story called:
“Super Mario Numb3rs”, I’m looking for an actress to play the part of surviving murder victim Mrs. Harrison.

I’m looking for an actress between the age of 25 and 35.

To audition, all you have to do is record a video of yourself in which you say your name and preform the following scene:

FBI: Did you see the man who did this to you?

Mrs. Harrison: No. I didn’t see his face.

FBI: Is there something else you can tell us?

Mrs. Harrison: Look, I’ve been having the most terrible moment of my life. Don’t you know how hard this is?

FBI: Mrs. Harrison. We know how hard it is for a ruff day like this. In fact, we experience worse. But we need every information you have to find this guy. And we can stop him.

Mrs. Harrison: Well, it smelt like he smokes cigarettes. But I can’t really remember anything else. He put me to sleep with some chloroform. It must be after I was asleep that he must’ve put the marks on me. I don’t know if he intended to kill me or not, and if he intended to, I don’t know what stopped him from doing so. I’m just glad I came out of this alive.

Payment: Non Paid

City or Location of call:
Please submit to:

This casting notice was posted by: Tim Lemmens

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