Steve Harvey Show Casting People Looking For Legal Advice

By | August 9, 2018


Location: Los Angeles, CA

Type: Talk Show


Did you have a bad business partner? Did a family situation go wrong and you don’t know if you need to take legal action? Did a boyfriend/girlfriend screw you over financially? Having a bad roommate or tenant?

**sorry, NO divorce cases **

The other side does NOT come on the show. Not looking for cases that have lawyers. We are looking for cases on how to take the next step.



Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: Los Angeles, CA
Please submit to:

This casting notice was posted by: STEVETV PRODUCERS

8 thoughts on “Steve Harvey Show Casting People Looking For Legal Advice

  1. Rachel hardy

    Hey Steve my name is Rachel hardy I am 21 years old from wareham Masssachusetts I was adopted at 8 years old in charlotte nc got tooken from my birth mother at 7 because she was in a bad domestic violence relation ship with my younger sisters dad which is another weird situation to talk about n get help and also we all was separated I found my mother on a public bus (CATS Charlotte Nc) I have 3 sisters two brothers I just found one of my brothers looking for another one we been through a lot and need your help I need some confirmation on my life so i can make a difference and break my family cycle! Sometging went wrong and doesn’t make sense to me on this whole adoption mess!

  2. Debrah J. Taylor Greene


    Had Attorney Billy C. Coleman (Saluda, SC), his friend, the late Richard “Dick” Clark (Batesburg, SC), and their cohorts (including Attorney Kathy O. Rushton (Saluda, SC), Attorney Henrietta Gill (Leesburg, SC) and Attorney Christian G. Spradley (Saluda, SC) NOT been involved in the outright taking and then secret selling, on March 28, 2014, of the I(E)rving family’s 110 acres of Saluda, SC farmland, then the I(E)rving family, on November 28, 2017, would have celebrated their 100th year of ownership of their property.

    It was Coleman (the legal counselor for the entire I(E)rving family at one time) and Clark who, in December 2003, made their first ruthless surprise attack upon the I(E)rving family in their effort to try and just take the I(E)rvings’ property from them for little or nothing.

    When the I(E)rving family’s matriarch (the late Rev. Thelma Joyce Irving Taylor) came against this initial attack on her family, Coleman and Clark retaliated by dragging the entire I(E)rving family into a most unwanted court battle wherein the I(E)rving family was forced to unwillingly engage in a most devastating fight against Coleman and Clark who openly threatened to take this land from the I(E)rvings.

    For over a decade, the I(E)rving family was tormented by these ruthless individuals who boldly lied, performed sneaky scare tactics and additional surprise attacks. They made up and filed false deeds and documents in the Saluda Court house and printed untruths in public media outlets. They even publicly stated that they had paid the taxes on the property even though all property taxes as shown by court records prove that the I(E)rvings paid all taxes in full from 1917 – 2014. I(E)rving family court documents turned up missing or couldn’t be found and unheard of “unbelievable” wills started to appear.

    Attorney Gill, serving as the Guardian ad litem” (GAL), did absolutely nothing during the entire decade long fight to protect the disadvantage members of the I(E)rving family whom Coleman and Clark especially targeted. And Attorney Rushton, serving as the Judge, had I(E)rving family members to leave from hearings which were often scheduled on short notice, motions and appeals made by the I(E)rvings’ family lawyer (Attorney Willie B. Heyward, Heirs Property Law Center, Charleston, SC) were continuously overruled/thrown out, and Rushton also dismissed the court reporter from hearings as well. Attorney Heyward ultimately declared that this was absolutely a “kangaroo court” operating in Saluda, SC and that he had no idea what kind of law these lawyers were suppose to be practicing.

    It was after the death of Clark (2009) and retirement of Coleman (shortly thereafter), that Attorney Spradley stepped to the forefront and, alongside Rushton and Gill, continued to subject the I(E)rving family to total disrespect, embarrassment, fear, frustration, humiliation, loss of memories, loss of profit, loss of wages, mental anguish, pain and suffering, physical aggravation, constant tears, harassment, and badgering.

    When this trio grew tired of playing their torturous games, Judge Rushton, without the knowledge of any of the 185+ Irving family members, quiet titled the I(E)rvings’ property to Randy A. Barnes and Adam T. Barnes (Barnes Oil and Propane, Batesburg, SC) for supposedly $201,000 on March 28, 2014. The I(E)rving family had no knowledge of the date, time, place of this sale; nor the amount that the land was being sold for; nor to whom the land was being sold to. Without their even having a clear title/deed to the I(E)rvings’ property at this point, these lawyers and their cohorts not only took the I(E)rvings 110 acres but also the timber as well as pecan trees that were growing on the property (timber had been planted by my late uncle twenty years earlier; 14 pecans had been planted by my grandmother from 1917 – 1929 in remembrance of her 14 pregnancies).

    On April 22, 2014, Rushton, Spradley, and Gill held a “supplemental hearing” in a back room of the Saluda court house where, Spradley, using figures that he just made up, gave $100,464.67 to a plaintiff with no name and $57,706.79 to the lawyers/law firm where he and Coleman worked (Moore, Taylor & Thomas, P.A., Saluda, SC). He picked out only three living members of the I(E)rving family and assigned them a total of $27,813.88. Three deceased members of the I(E)rving family were assigned $15,449.33 (I(E)rving family was told that if deceased members didn’t come and claim this money, it would go to the state). It’s important to also note that at the beginning of this hearing, a request by the I(E)rving family for a court reporter to be present was dismissed by Judge Rushton. And, when the I(E)rving family openly voiced against the illegalities being performed in this case, the Judge called for the Saluda police. Judge Rushton had the improper, untruthful documents created by Spradley immediately filed in the Saluda Court records by Spradley even before this hearing was over.

    After this “supplemental hearing”, the I(E)rving family wanted to pursue their case to a higher court but, surprisingly, Attorney Heyward, who had been defending the I(E)rvings from the very beginning of their case, told I(E)rving family members that he didn’t want to speak with or legally represent the I(E)rving family any longer. First thing that some I(E)rving family members thought was that these Saluda lawyers and their cohorts spooked (scared) Heyward. Or, was Heyward paid off to have nothing more to do with the I(E)rvings? I(E)rving family is still today totally befuddled by this turn of events. I(E)rving family members did try to involve the IRS to see what happened to this money from the sale of their land. To this day, I(E)rving family has no final documents or no clear idea what these lawyers exactly did with the money from the sale of their property.

    As for complaints against these lawyers, the I(E)rving family made their first one regarding their case to the Supreme Court of South Carolina, Office of Disciplinary Counsel, Commission on Judicial Conduct in January 2004. More complaints, consisting of hundreds of precise and detailed pages regarding the illegal wrong doings that these Saluda area lawyers committed were also submitted to this Counsel by the I(E)rvings.

    Sad to say, each and every complaint made by the I(E)rvings (whether big or small) was dismissed by this Counsel with the same computer-generated reason: “The authority of this office and the jurisdiction of the Commission on Lawyer Conduct are limited to issues of whether a lawyer has committed misconduct or is incapacitated within the guidelines set out in the Rules for Lawyer Disciplinary Enforcement Rule 413, SCACR, promulgated by the Supreme Court of South Carolina.”

    Every SC Congressional Representative and SC Senator received from the I(E)rving family correspondence giving explicit details of the I(E)rving family’s situation in this matter. The I(E)rvings’ did get an anonymous call from one of the SC senators who said he was well aware of the corruption that was going on in the Saluda County area and he warned us that we should be very careful in going up against these lawyers.

    On February 4, 2015, the I(E)rving family’s 185+ members really received “a slap in the face” when the SC House and Senate passed a concurrent resolution honoring Billy C. Coleman who was once a former senate member. [Visit:

    Urgent requests from the I(E)rving family for help to stop these ruthless, conniving lawyers and their cohorts were also made to other federal, state, and local organizations as well as to authoritative individuals, including: The White House (President and Vice President), all nine Supreme Court Justices, The Department of Justice, the FBI, the Governor of South Carolina, the South Carolina Bar Association, the SC General State’s Attorney Office, the SC Chief Justice Office, the South Carolina Legal Aid Office, Greenwood Heirs Property Legal Staff, The National Headquarters of the NAACP (Washington, DC), NAACP (South Carolina Chapter), the Congressional Black Caucus, the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice, the ACLU, the Urban League, the National Action Network, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, the Nation of Islam, the New Black Panthers Party. And, an email blast throughout the U.S. went out from the I(E)rving family soliciting for any qualified, tough lawyer who would take on this case. Unfortunately, the I(E)rvings’ call for help was to no avail (little to no response received).

    John Schwarzmann informed the I(E)rving family that these same lawyers victimized in the same manner his aunt, Julia O. Gregory and grandmother, Ellison O. Schwarzmann who resided in the Saluda County area.

    Also, I(E)rvings were informed by Sandra Kay (Boozer) Soldo that these lawyers made victims of her Saluda area residing family as well.

    I(E)rving family members living in the Saluda, SC area say that there are also others who have been or are currently being victimized as well by these lawyers but they are probably too scared to try and fight against them.

    There is definitely something overwhelmingly wrong with the legal system in the Saluda County area and it’s seemingly being condoned, without question, by individuals sitting in high positions in the South Carolina government. Innocent, hard-working families are being forced to suffer at the hands of these greedy-minded Saluda County area so-called legal professionals. In essence, Rushton, Spradley, Gill and their cohorts undoubtedly have been given “the green light” to go ahead and perform whatever misconduct they want to without any fear of being reprimanded for doing so.


  3. Ms. L.

    I need help with two situations. Both of these situations deal with “fraud on the court”. Since I am asking advice from a Judge who is an integral part of the institution I am reporting violated and continues to violate my civil and constitutional rights I am hard pressed to believe I will get a fair and honest assessment. My experience with the regime has been evident of favoritism in rulings. I have been a victim of evidence suppression which would clear of all charges as well as unfair property judgements that left me homeless and destitute. I am not trying to discuss a divorce. That is over and he is dead. I am not now homeless and recovering but I am tired of being afraid. I want these issues solved and put to rest so I can get on with what time I have left. I am 55 and it’s been 10 years. I still have these issues hounding me for things I didn’t even do. Favoritism of white over black in the courts. It is an OLD STORY!! I am saddened to be yet another part of it

  4. Jonathan Spencer

    I need advice because the mother of my daughter made up a big lie on me and told authorities that I raped her and my 3 years old daughter. She lied about everything and I have proof that the story was fabricated. I am not allowed to see me daughter until 2020?


    looking for legal advice on the next step to take. I am a African American female Rn who was Terminated from my job by a Filipino RN. She was the new Behavioral Health Director. She harassed me and another Black Rn frequently. I was Assaulted by a Dangerously, aggressive, black male patient, admitted to the hospital on a hold for being a Danger To Others. He hit me in the face while preparing meds to help calm him down. I put my arms out to protect myself. the Psychiatrist evaluated the patient, said he was belligerent, dangerously aggressive, would manipulate the environment to harm people. he was either in restaints or given Emergency IM meds to control behavior. Nothing worked. The Filipino RN Director, refused to take a statement from me, I was refused paperwork to get checked for my injuries. She falsified documents for patient abuse. I was reported to the board of Nursing and to the department of social services for patient abuse without an investigation. as a result of this, I was faced with 3 counts of charges, I lost my job, it took 3 1/2 years for the Board of Nursing in California to Dismiss the Case. I have over 25 yrs of nursing experience. I loss my retirement, went through a nasty divorce, while fighting criminal charges of abuse, assault/battery of an elderly person. All charges were finally dismissed on June 17,2018. my life is a wreck, I have a 5 year ban to work with patients administered by the Office Of Inspector General Based on Allegations. I have been denied my Administrators License for Adult Residential Facilities. Due to my injuries and emotional distress, i was forced to receive stat disability and the funds has been exhausted. Currently I have no income and soon will be homeless. She Boasts to ex-co-workers about what she has done. I am sure she has done this to more African American Female Nurses. I was A Very Successful African American Rn until this Happened. Not only was I discriminated against, My Civil Rights were also Violated. This is something that should not be Happening in the United States from Immigrants. I Am a Michigan State Graduate, was highly honored and respected in the field of nursing. Please can you Help?

    1. Dr. Mark Sohmer

      Dr. Mark Sohmer
      I see this all too often. I am guessing your in California? There is no justice here in CA. But where ever you are the people need to WAKE UP and work together to fight these radical brainless people. I’m taking about anyone that has half a brain left all across this country needs to stand up and say NO MORE!!!

  6. Felita Thomas

    Im looking for legal advice in the civil rights division i was let go from a job as a nurse a black 55 yr old woman from a nursing home after being harassed by a white nurse. This caucasion nurse even put her hands on me. The facility let me go after i called off sick. I was told i needed a doctors excuse to come back. This was never needed before. I filed chatges with the civil rights department of ohio after 4 years of harassment that had been reported continually for those 4 years. The administrator told the nursing home i was unable to be hire even after the nursing home was bought by another company. I feel this was retaliation aginst me. I was and excellent nurse never had anything on my record aginst me. I am being unjustly denied a job because i went a step further because they would not handle the situation. I was also frowned on by this same administrator because i reported her after being harassed by her for wanting to join the union that was seeking our employees to form a union. I need answer i need to know how my rights could be ignored by civil rights and the labor board. This facility was found guilty of wrong doing by harassing the employees that wanted to become union but i still was not allowed my job back. I thought this was america and that this type of thing is not allowed. I need help bad please i know there are others with similar situations that need answers also.

  7. Denise Scott

    I’m interested in going on show to get legal advice regarding inheritance of a family home, that I was illegally remove from by other family members that married into the family.

    Please, please call me….I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


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