Theater Auditions for “Hustle” The Play in Philly

By | November 26, 2018


Location: Philadelphia, PA

Type: Theater

Casting Notice:
Seeking Non-Union Talent


Character Descriptions

Singers and Actors needed, Paid.

Ms.Rosie- 40-55 years old
looked Native American, she is very sweet and loving. Very mild mannered, yet protective of her girls… but she looks worn from a hard life of living on a farm and raising so many children as a child herself

Clara- 20-27
could pass for a white woman, tall thin, and classy… very bright and inquisitive personality…. She is sassy, determined, strong, fearless, very matronly and very helpful to Ms. Rosie. Promiscuous early in life to get off the farm and reserved later in life due to her relationship with God

Cicely- 23-30 beautiful caramel complexion with curly black hair. She is independent, not the matronly type, use to getting the attention of men early on… she is shapely and on the thicker side… sweet but definitely has an edge to her. Promiscuous and uses what she has to get what she wants

Hamilton- 25-30 AA male
tall, built and very handsome! He is strong and very protective of his family and sisters from young. He is sensitive and caring but at the same time very much a mans man and does all of chores on the farm. He’s also trying to fill Poppa’s shoes and keep his sisters in check

Gladys- 24-29
very fair skinned and beautiful! She is on the proper side, she spoke well and was very classy. Although she hung out with her sisters on occasions, she had a life of her own. You can tell by the way that she carries herself that she’s a little more poised than the rest of the sisters, but never acts that way towards them

Fanny- 24-30
beautiful, butterscotch complexion! She is never around, very elusive in her interactions with her sisters! She has a life outside of them and it’s clear that they are not invited to share in it

Betty- 18-26
Beautiful, caramel complexion, tall and thin. She is very kind and supportive of her sisters. She’s the baby of the fist bunch of kids, so she’s loved by all. She’s well spoken, very bright and carries herself like a lady at all times.

James- 25-30
fine as hell! Built, chocolate complexion, beautiful smile… panty melter – well dressed and very business savvy, yet private and protective of his business affairs. Very laid back personality that can go from 0 to 100 in a second. Raised by the streets but also has a very loving and respectful side

Mr. Silverstein- 60-65
white, older man with salt and pepper hair! Well dressed with an upbeat personality, and positive outlook on the world. Very family and community oriented. He’s very respectful towards the black community and helps a lot of families during an era where it was not the popular opinion

Cathy- 24-30
very beautiful , caramel complexion! Wild outgoing personality… no filter, says whatever comes to her mind! She’s afraid of nothing! She cusses, fusses, drinks booze and smokes… very free spirit! In the closet lesbian

Jake- 30-35
very handsome Italian gentleman! Very fond of the black community and Cicely! Very wealthy and street smart… it’s assumed that he’s a gangster and affiliated with the mob and always smokes cigars

Ernestine- 25-30
beautiful dark cocoa brown, her hair isn’t as straight as the other sisters. She’s a big boned tough girl that stays to herself. She has a no nonsense attitude and isn’t one to show love… but she’s quick to defend her family and does whatever’s necessary to help our. She’s not as fast as the other sisters but still ends up pregnant early just like them

Juanita & Eldridge- 6-9cute kids

Bea- 15-17
beautiful brown skin, looks Native American with short, black wavy hair! She is medium height (taller than Cathy) with a medium build. She dresses like a man which is very uncommon in those days. She is confident, strong, protective, and extremely street smart. She’s intimidating to men and woman

Ensemble- all ethnicities 18-40 years
Must be a great singer!


Dec 2
Dec 8
Callbacks Dec 9

Wyndham hotel
400 Arch St
Phila PA 19106

Appointments Available
Send resume and headshot

Walk ins welcome!

Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: Philadelphia
Please submit to:

This casting notice was posted by: Casting Director-Cyndi lane

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