Cast and Crew in Wilkes-Barre, PA for Student Film Project

By | June 14, 2019

Seeking Local Cast and Crew for Student Film, Dissonance

Location: Wilkes-Barre, PA

Type: Student Films

Auditions: 3:30-5:00 July 1, July 3, and July 5 (or by appointment)
Callbacks: 2:00-5:00 July 12 (or by appointment)

Note: There is no expectation of 24/7 availability during this timeframe. Shooting will be scheduled based on cast and crew availability.

Logline: Online, a troubled child finds acceptance and the courage to ask for help when her deepest, most shameful secret is revealed.

Synopsis: Inspired by real life events, Dissonance addresses the negative stigma associated with internet friendships. Iris is a young girl trying to hold her broken family and world together. When she fails, she turns to her internet family and finds everything she’s been missing.

[IRIS PARCH] [Gender Female] [Age 12-16] LEAD
Reserved by necessity, not by choice. Iris is trying to hold her world together when no one else seems to see the cracks. To cope with the pressure, she turns to self-harming behaviors. Can she find guidance and acceptance before it’s too late?

[BILLY PARCH] [Gender Male] [Age 6-12] SUPPORTING
The sweetness hasn’t been beaten out of him- yet. A boy being given all the wrong lessons on how to be a man. He lives with his alcoholic father, and loves his older sister Iris.

[MOTHER] [Gender Female] [Age 24-36] SUPPORTING
Abuse survivor; recovering smoker. She’s working herself to the bone to support Iris financially. Doesn’t realize that physically present doesn’t equal emotionally present.

[FATHER] [Gender Male] [Age 24-45] MINOR SUPPORTING
He blames his crappy life on everything and everyone but himself. A child in a man’s body, unwilling to handle responsibility. He hides in addiction – alcohol and cigarettes.

[TEACHER] [Gender Male or Female] [Age 24-45] SUPPORTING
Overworked; underpaid. It’s a struggle to keep a class orderly, so s/he opts for strict disciplinary measures rather than compassion and empathy. This doesn’t help Iris.

Sarcastic and hedonistic minimum wage worker. He cares about those close to him with dry wit and smirking charm.

[SORREL] [Gender Female] [Age 20-24] SUPPORTING
Flower vendor – mother at heart. She’s been through hardships herself, but uses that experience like fertilizer to encourage the growth of others. She tries to give Iris the maternal support she needs.

[STUDENTS] [Gender Male and Female] [Age 12-16] EXTRAS

Payment: Non Paid

City or Location of call: Wilkes-Barre, PA
Please submit to: by 2019-07-05

This casting notice was posted by: Megan Tindell

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