Home » Reality TV » Casting Call for People Wanting To Solve a DNA Mystery

Casting Call for People Wanting To Solve a DNA Mystery

By | February 23, 2019

Are you hoping to solve a family mystery by taking a DNA test?

Casting directors for a documentary series are looking for folks that need answers and are hoping that a DNA test can provide those answers or at least get to the bottom of something that their family has been keeping secret.

Advances in genetics and availability of DNA testing has allowed many to find the answers to questions that could not be answered otherwise.  A docu-series is currently casting people that were planning to take a DNA test in hopes that the test result could answer questions that have been in their minds.

Producers of the show would love to hear your stories.

Do you have a DNA mystery?

Are your DNA results coming back any day now? Do you plan to take a DNA test to provide answers?
Do you suspect someone in your family has a DNA secret?

Documentary television series for major network is looking for people who need help getting to the bottom of their family secrets using DNA. If you’ve taken a consumer testing kit (or plan to) because you need answers, please share your story. To be considered please fill out the information below.
We will be in touch if you are a good fit.

Interested?  See the casting notice below for the details.

One thought on “Casting Call for People Wanting To Solve a DNA Mystery

  1. Roderick Harris


    My name is Roderick Harris. I am 63 years old, Native American. I am a member of the Nooksack Indian Tribe and part Hawaiian. I am the 5th oldest of 9 children through my mom. The 4 oldest came from one dad and the 3 youngest came from the other dad. Both fathers said they were my true father and I later find out after they died that they lied.

    My mom would never me who my father is, as she was a person trained by her Elders to be a Spiritual Leader.

    3 years ago, a young lady became a coworker and she told me that I looked like her dad. I do see the resemblances, they are Quinault Indian Tribal members.

    I knew I was different than my 3 older brothers and my younger brother and 2 younger sisters. The older brothers were so dysfunctional, they could not be supportive of good traits, they showed jealousy, as I was good in math and music.

    I really wanted to know why I was different – mentally, physically, and intellectually. I begged my mom to tell me when I was a teenager and in my twenties I walked out of the house for a year or so.


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