Home » Reality TV » Casting Chefs for “Across The World To Save My Restaurant”

Casting Chefs for “Across The World To Save My Restaurant”

By | September 3, 2019

Casting Across The World To Save My Restaurant.

The shows producers are now casting chefs / owners of Mexican restaurants who would love a chance to go to Mexico City.

A new series wants to fly chefs to Mexico City for a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Those cast will get a chance to connect to the heritage and traditions of Mexican cuisine. Have a chance to gain deeper understanding of the dished that may be featured on your menu. Learn local secrets and pick up some culinary skills from world class chefs ans even possibly earn a big makeover.

Discover insider methods to help your restaurant succeed.

Across The World To Save My Restaurant


Interested? Check out the casting notice below.

Major cable network looking for deserving chefs/owners of Mexican restaurants for a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Our world renowned chef would like to take you on a culinary tour of Mexico where you will be immersed in culture and cuisine all with the goal of learning more about authentic Mexican cooking.

Once you gain this knowledge, you will be put to the test with the chance of winning 50k in restaurant renovations!

Take a look at the flyer- Feel free to message me or email chase@metalflowersmedia.com



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